Priest: And if we’re not nice?

Robbie started typing, and the message that came through made Priest laugh.

Robbie: Then I’d definitely let you. Haven’t you heard? I have a thing for assholes and pricks.

“Priest?” Cole’s voice snapped him to attention, and Priest realized Cole was standing at the other end of the table staring at him. The room was now empty except for them.

“Sorry, what?”

“I asked if you got the memo that you can move your things up to your office this week? Don’t worry about the furniture—we have movers bringing in the new desks and bookcases tomorrow. But anything personal.”

Priest nodded, thinking of his diplomas on the floor leaning up against the wall where he’d left them for the past few months. They were the only personal items he really had. “Will do,” he said, short and succinct, as always.

Cole frowned and looked at the phone Priest was still holding, likely wondering what had made him laugh, but there was no way Priest was about to tell him. Cole and Logan knew Robbie well, and despite Cole having kept his nose out of what went down at the Christmas party, Priest wasn’t about to divulge what was going on here. No way.

“Maybe one of us should steal Logan’s office while he’s away,” Cole said, a glint to his eye. “What’s he going to do? Kick us out?”

Priest shook his head and held a hand up. “I’ll leave that to you. You’re his brother. He can’t kill you.”

“True. But even still, he might try.” Cole waved and then headed to the door. “Good luck in court today.”

“Thanks. I just have a few preliminaries this afternoon. Let me know if you need anything.”

“Will do” was the last thing he heard as Cole walked out the door, and when Priest glanced back down at his phone, it was to see three more images, each sexier than the last, of Robbie in different states of undress. And Julien, that instigator, knew the fire he was stoking: Unzip it the entire way. Mmm. Now, put your hand inside the pants.

Priest’s jaw clenched, and after he typed his final message and hit send, he shoved a hand down under the table and pressed it against his hard-on, thankful they hadn’t yet moved to the conference room upstairs, which was made entirely out of glass.

He only had a few more hours to wait until finally he would be able to take care of this, and the other two men in the thread now knew exactly where his head was at.

PRIEST: MY COCK needs to fuck someone tonight. You can toss a coin to decide who that is. The way I see it, you’re both asking for it.

Julien touched his tongue to his top lip, as he sat back in one of the booths at his restaurant and twirled a pencil between his fingers. Tonight was going to be intense in all the best ways possible, and after Robbie’s little tease, he could only imagine how Priest was feeling.

Julien: I’ll give the princesse head. Excusez-moi…heads.

Robbie: Okay, I don’t know about you two. But I have a sudden need to get naked.

Julien felt the same, but knew Priest wouldn’t be having any of that, and oui, there he was.

Priest: Don’t you dare come until my hand, or Julien’s mouth, is around your cock, Robert. You started this, and WE are going to finish it.

There was a bit of a pause, and Julien would’ve loved to see Robbie’s reaction to that, and then the little minx wrote back.

Robbie: Would you like hourly updates on the status of my frustration, SIR?

Priest: Would you like your first spanking when I see you at six, Robert?

Julien reached for the glass of wine sitting on the table in front of him and swirled it around, letting it breathe.

Robbie: No. I’d prefer you do something else to my ass tonight instead.

Priest: Then behave yourself and be ready at six.

That was as good as a goodbye for Priest, and Robbie seemed to understand, because he sent a kiss emoji that made Julien chuckle.

As he signed off and put his phone down on the table, Lise, the manager of JULIEN, walked up to the booth with a notepad in one hand and a phone jammed between her shoulder and ear.

When she reached the table, Julien heard her say, “I understand this is a rush, Danielle, but we can’t open if we don’t have uniforms for the staff. I need them on the date we agreed upon.”

She put the pad down on the table, and as she did, she pushed a piece of her black hair behind her ear and then took a seat opposite Julien. “Good. Thank you. I’m glad we got that sorted. We’ll talk soon. Bye.”

After she hung up, Lise rolled her eyes and put her phone down. “Today is not my day. But I’m glad we get to do some taste testing.”