Julien walked around Robbie and flicked on one of the gas burners before he reached up into the cabinet overhead to grab an extra wine glass. He then picked up the open bottle of Merlot on the kitchen island, poured a glass, and took it over to where Robbie stood.

“Why don’t you take this in to Priest while I finish up out here? Everything’s ready; I just have to cook it.”

Robbie looked at the glass of wine, and then back up to Julien’s eyes. “Are you trying to get rid of me?”

“Oui. It’s either that or fuck you.”

“I wouldn’t object,” Robbie said. “And by the way, that’s the second time I’ve been threatened tonight. I really hope you two aren’t all talk.”

As Robbie went to lean back on the counter, Julien grabbed his arm to stop him. “Be careful there.”

Robbie looked back to see he’d been precariously close to leaning against one of the burners instead of the counter.

“We don’t want to burn that bottom.”

When Robbie looked back at Julien, he winked. “The bottom appreciates that.” Then he took the glass out of Julien’s hand.

“Would you like a glass now, or with dinner?” Julien asked.

“I’ll wait.” Robbie headed out of the kitchen, and when he was halfway across the living room, he said, “That seems to be what you both want tonight, and I really want whatever reward I’m going to get for my good behavior.”

As Robbie disappeared through the bedroom door, Julien went back over to finish up their meal, and found he couldn’t wipe the smile off his face or get his cock back under control. Something he figured wouldn’t happen until this night was over.

PRIEST SANK DOWN in the close-to-scalding water, and as the warmth penetrated his skin and soothed his tense muscles, he shut his eyes and let out a calming breath.

The drive from Robbie’s house back to theirs had been an exercise in restraint, as had that moment in the hallway and every moment up until now. But knowing what was going to happen after dinner tonight had been enough to keep him from acting on his urges.

Priest ran his wet hands through his hair, shoving it back off his face, and tried not to think about how fucking good it was going to feel when he finally got inside Robbie.

Calm down, he told himself, and then slipped a hand under the water to stroke his angry cock. It’d been a while since he’d denied himself for this long, and as his fist curled around his thick length, he arched up. He gave himself a couple of hard pulls and then made himself let go, then he white-knuckled the side of the tub so he wouldn’t be tempted further. That was when someone behind him said, “You have an aquarium in your bathroom?”

Priest opened his eyes and focused on the wall beside him, where a horizontal tank ran the length of his tub. He watched as one of the black and silver angelfish glided through the water, from top to bottom. “We do. Julien had it installed when we remodeled it. They relax me. They’re so quiet. So graceful. In our next place, we plan to have one in the bedroom.”

Robbie wandered further into the bathroom, his eyes locked on the coral reef that several fish were playing hide-and-seek inside. “It’s beautiful. Magical.”

“I think so.” Priest looked up at him and saw that Robbie was holding a glass of wine. “Is that for me?”

Robbie’s eyes shifted down to him, and when he seemed to remember that Priest was lounging in the tub naked, his eyes widened a fraction and he managed a slow nod.

A smirk crossed Priest’s mouth as he raised a hand and said, “May I have it?”

Robbie’s eyes were fixed on his face, but as he handed Priest the glass, he finally let them rove down along Priest’s nude body.

Priest didn’t say a word. They’d had several intimate moments before now, but this was the first time Robbie was seeing him fully undressed. He took a sip of his wine and let Robbie look his fill, and when the outline of a very stiff cock appeared in Robbie’s pants, Priest said in a gravelly voice, “Robert?” Robbie’s eyes flicked to his. “Take off your sweater.”

Robbie gnawed on his lower lip, but reached for the hem of that cable knit top and tugged it up over his head. When he tossed it down at his feet, Priest took another sip of his wine and said, “Kneel down on it.”

Robbie swallowed, and his Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat, drawing Priest’s attention as Robbie ever so slowly went down to his knees by the side of the tub. Priest switched his wine glass to his opposite hand, and then took the sponge out of the clear water and wrung it out before handing it over to Robbie, who took it without question.