As he unlocked it and pushed it open, Robbie straightened and sauntered forward, his hips swaying, his head tilted up, and when he stopped beside Priest, he looked him dead in the eye and said, “Yes, I do.”

“Good.” Priest’s eyes flared. “Because you’ll be lucky if you can crawl by the time we get through with you tonight.”

“Promises, promises,” Robbie said, and then he walked off in the direction of the delicious aromas wafting throughout the condo.

AS ROBBIE STEPPED into the living room, Julien saw him drop his bag by the wall out of the way, and then Robbie immediately sought Julien out where he was in the kitchen placing a frying pan and pot on top of the stove.

“Bonsoir, princesse,” Julien said as he heard the front door shut. “You look gorgeous as usual.”

Robbie blew Julien a kiss. “Thank you. And you look smokin’ hot as always. Seems fitting, since you love to be around flames and fire.”

Julien wiped his hands over the white apron he’d tied around his navy-blue pants and white button-down. Then he walked around the counter and kissed both of Robbie’s cheeks. Robbie turned his head at the last second and caught Julien’s lips in a cheeky kiss.

“Sorry,” Robbie said, but it was clear by his grin that he wasn’t in the least. “There was all this talk of kissing in the car, and I couldn’t help myself.”

“Oh? Just talk?” Julien said. “That’s never fun.”

“I know, but kissing you made it all better.” Robbie glanced over his shoulder as Priest walked into the living room.

“I’m going to get out of this suit and unwind a little before dinner,” Priest said, as he picked up Robbie’s discarded bag.

It was obvious to Julien by the set of Priest’s shoulders that whatever had—or in this case, hadn’t—occurred on the drive home, Priest was most certainly in need of a timeout if they were going to take things slow.

“Thirty minutes,” Julien told him, and Priest nodded and then disappeared into the bedroom.

“Unwind?” Robbie said. “And what does that entail? A thousand push-ups? Followed by a thousand jumping jacks?”

Julien shook his head as he walked over to the cutting board where a tray of steaks and a mortar and pestle sat. “It involves a soak in the tub.”

“Really?” Robbie said, as he took his gloves off and put them on the kitchen island by the bottle of wine Julien had started about half an hour ago. “I love baths, but I wouldn’t have pictured him in one.”

“You should,” Julien said with a wink. “It’s quite a sight. He has a stressful job. A bath, among other things, clears his head.”

As Robbie looked over at the open door of the master bedroom, Julien began to grind peppercorns in the ceramic bowl.

“And let me guess, crushing things clears yours?” Robbie said as he walked over.

“It keeps my hands busy and off more tempting delights, oui.”

Robbie winked, and suddenly Julien had the intense desire to forget dinner and skip straight to the getting-naked part. Maybe they could just join Priest in the bath. But then that wouldn’t be very relaxing now, would it?

“So what are we making?” Robbie asked, and Julien was grateful for the change of subject. They would all be naked soon enough.

“Something relatively simple but délicieux. Steak au poivre.”

“I don’t think you’re capable of making something simple.”

Julien tipped the peppercorns into a small bowl by the cutting board, where there was another one full of salt. “You’re right, princesse, I can’t. This will be the best steak au poivre you’ve ever put in your mouth.”

“Well, it’ll be the first, so—”

“So nothing,” Julien said, then reached for his glass of wine, took a sip, and cast an arrogant look Robbie’s way. “Regardless of whether it’s the first or last, I only ever make the best.”

“Ah ha!” Robbie said, and pointed. “There it is. I’ve been waiting to see the Prick up close.”

“I believe you’ve been closer to my prick than this.”

Robbie leaned his hip against the counter and grinned. “I didn’t mean that.”

“Then what do you mean? What have you been waiting to see?”

“That I’m better than everyone else act.” Robbie placed a hand over his heart and practically swooned at Julien’s feet.

Julien smirked at his theatrics. “It’s not an act. In the kitchen, I am better than everyone else. That’s why I won the show. It’s why I’ve won several culinary awards both here and abroad, and it’s also why I have two—soon to be three—of the top restaurants in America. Next, I plan to take on international markets.”

“Ahh, I love it,” Robbie said. “My heart’s all aflutter.”

“All aflutter?”

“Yes. I love that arrogant, I’m the best, alpha stuff. It’s so hot.”

Which explained why Robbie was interested in them. Arrogant, alpha. If that was what he loved, he couldn’t get more so than the two of them. They were both so dominant in their mind-sets that sometimes neither wanted to relent. Hence the need for someone like this beautiful man to come between them, in all manners of speaking.