The only sound in the room was that of their breathing and the bubbles in the tank on the wall, and when Priest looked to the soap on the silver bathtub caddy, Robbie reached across to pick it up.
With his eyes still locked on Priest’s, Robbie rubbed the soap over the sponge several times before placing it back on the rack, and then he rose to his knees and began to stroke the soapy suds over Priest’s chest.
As Robbie made even sweeps across Priest’s collarbone, shoulders, and back down the center of his pecs, a rumble of approval left Priest. Then Robbie’s hand dipped a little way into the water, and he brought the sponge back up to rinse Priest off.
Not once did Robbie take his eyes off Priest’s, and when Priest brought his glass back to his lips, he said, “Why don’t you acquaint yourself with what’s going to be in you later tonight? You know you’re dying to.”
Robbie sank his teeth into his bottom lip, and then lowered his eyes to the very erect cock between Priest’s thighs. He slowly dragged the sponge down the center of Priest’s body to where his treasure trail started, and when Robbie paused and looked back to Priest, his eyes were dark with arousal.
“Touch me,” Priest said, and Robbie let go of the sponge and replaced it with his fingers. He trailed the tips down under the surface, and when he touched the head of Priest’s cock, he gasped.
“More,” Priest demanded, and Robbie stroked his fingers down the long length of his cock, and when he got to the base, Priest said, “Wrap your hand around me.”
As Robbie tried, his eyes flew up to Priest’s, his lips parted with excitement and lust as he squirmed where he knelt. “I can’t. It’s too big. You’re so thick and hard. God, I want it…”
Robbie was squeezing Priest now, his fingers tightening and loosening, testing what he’d said, and Priest gritted his teeth.
“Robert?” Robbie’s hand froze beneath the water at the gravelly sound of his name, and Priest held his empty wine glass out to him. “It’s dinnertime. You better go out to the kitchen before you get into trouble in here.”
Robbie reluctantly let go of him and nodded as he took the glass.
“Thank you for the wine,” Priest said, as though that were the only thing Robbie had brought him. “It was exactly what I needed.”
Robbie got to his feet and adjusted his hard-on the best he could, and when he went to pick up his shirt, Priest shook his head.
“Leave it off. I want to look at you through dinner and imagine how you’re going to feel under me.”
“Fuck me.” Robbie sighed.
“I’m going to, very soon.”
Robbie nodded as he slowly backed away from the tub, and when he ran into the wall, Priest chuckled.
“Careful. See you soon, princess.”
Chapter Seventeen
I was always the one who got in trouble; that’s nothing new. But never has it felt so good to be…punished for it.
ROBBIE HIGHTAILED IT out of the bathroom as though his ass was on fire, and when he got to the living room, he propped a hand up on the wall and took in a breath.
Fuck. Fuck. That was… What the fuck was that? He’d gone in to give Priest his wine and flirt with him outrageously while he was in the bath, and two seconds in, his tongue got stuck, his voice got lost, and he was stripping and kneeling and washing the guy as though he lived to serve him—and shit, it’d been one of the hottest things ever.
Julien’s voice had Robbie raising his head.
“Everything okay, princesse?” Julien said as he walked around the island.
Robbie licked his suddenly dry lips and blinked, trying to shake himself out of whatever hypnotic daze Priest had him under, and when Julien reached him and took his hand, Robbie let him lead him across to the dining room table.
Julien didn’t blink at the fact Robbie was now minus his shirt as he pulled out a seat, and when Robbie sat down, Julien said, “I think it’s time for that wine now, oui?”
“Yes, please.”
“Very good. Wait here. I’ll get it for you.”
Robbie nodded, thinking that wouldn’t exactly be a problem, considering he could barely move his legs, and before he could overthink things, Julien was walking back with two glasses in hand.
“Here,” he said, and took the seat beside Robbie. “If it helps, I felt just as confused as you the first time I was with Priest.”
“Is it that obvious?” Robbie laughed. “Is he a fucking hypnotist or something?”
Julien leaned back in his chair and brought his glass to his lips. As he took a sip, Robbie placed a hand over his thumping heart.
“Feels like it, doesn’t it?”
“Yes,” Robbie said. “I gotta say, I’ve never been into being bossed around except with Log— Well, once before.” Robbie stopped, took another gulp of wine, and then met Julien’s eyes. “But two words out of his mouth and I was on my knees doing what he told me. No questions asked. How does he do that?”