Page 119 of Predestined Hearts

“Yes, you do. I’ll keep in touch with Steven and be back as soon as I can.” For the first time in days, I felt that this nightmare I’d been in was coming to an end.

“I love you, Ashlin.”

“I love you, too, Amelia.”

Staring up at the massive glass building, I took a deep breath. People were coming in and out of the building in a hurry.

A few recognized me and gave me a nod, but didn’t stop. I was relieved. Heading into enemy territory, I walked through the revolving


To myself, I muttered, “It’s show time, Ashlin.” The words spoken aloud seemed to give me a fresh bout of courage as I entered the building.

Security still remembered me as I passed the turnstiles to check in. “Welcome back, Miss Thomas. We’ve missed you. You can head on up.”

The old man had always been kind to me when I’d come visit. “Thank you. Good to see you, too.”

There wasn’t time for idle chitchat as I had a plane to catch in less than three hours, which was going to be tight. The elevator chimed and I hit the number fifty for Harris’ office. After a few stops, I stepped out into the cold reception area. Harris and his upper management team had the entire top floor.

The receptionist greeted me. “Welcome Miss Thomas. Mr. Huntington is in a work crisis. It may be awhile.”

Using my no-nonsense tone, I directed her, “Please tell him I need to see him now and that I have news he’s going to want to hear.”

She looked skeptical at me. Harris had never taken the time for me when something had blown up, always shuffling me to the side. Being here only reminded me of how empty my life had become before moving to Savannah. There wasn’t anything I missed about the city beside my friends. She spoke low into the phone, then announced, “He’ll see you in his office.”

“Thank you.”

Passing several assistants who were running about frantically, I made my way to the big steel colored door at the end of the hallway. Harris had the corner office with the best view. The Statue of Liberty could be seen in the distance.

After walking through the doors, I spotted Harris leaned over his desk amidst a million different papers. “Ashlin, I have a big fucking problem. What is it?”

“I know what your problem is. I can help.” I stood tall and confident even though I felt shaky inside and underdressed compared to Harris.

That got Harris’ attention as he sat in his chair. “I’m listening. It’s nice to see you finally contributing and taking an interest in my life.”

He was delusional.

Standing there silently for a brief moment, I looked over at Harris. He was smug and arrogant in his charcoal-gray suit. There wasn’t a person I hated more than him. In fact, he was the only person I hated.

I pointed to the papers. “It appears some of the dirty secrets of your family’s past have been given to a reporter. It could cause you trouble if more of these stories get out, considering the new merger deal you have on the table. I know who talked to the reporter.”

Yes, Harris. I got caught up on current events last night with a certain reporter.

Harris steeped his fingers. “Who?”

I took the paper out of my bag and slammed it down on the desk. Victory roared through my veins and I simply said, “Me.”

“What the fuck, Ashlin? You’re going to force my hand aren’t you? I’m going to show you I’m not fucking around here. Consider this a warning.” Harris picked up the phone.

Pointing to the paper, I spoke with absolute finality, “I’m not finished. I’d put down the phone until you hear everything. I’m renegotiating our deal.”

Harris narrowed his eyes at me as he assessed my threat. “A deal is a deal.”

Tsking, I spoke as Harris sat back in his chair after hanging up the phone. “The story published today outlining the deals to keep your mom’s DUI’s out of the paper with the city official payoffs are simply the cherry on top. I have all the documentation to show your dad bribing congressmen, paying off senators, getting insider information, and embezzling money for years. You’d be crawling with auditors. I’d imagine you would lose everything you have since it was essentially obtained illegally. I know how much you love your money, Harris.”

I slammed both my palms on the desk to emphasize my next point. Fire burned within me as all the irritation from the last few days came to the surface. My voice was steel and ice. “If you so much as interfere in my life again, I will send more stories to the paper. If I so much as think you are behind something, I will send more stories to the paper. I am going to get Gael back and you are going to let me go forever. If something happens to me or anyone I love, more stories will go to the paper. If Amelia receives anything less than the best care, more stories will go to the paper. I shit you not, Harris, I will strip away your precious empire and leave you with absolutely nothing. I never want to hear from you again. There are contingencies in place of everything I have to be sent out if something happens to me. Don’t fuck with me.”

Pushing off the table, I stood there in a standoff. His ice-blue eyes assessed my turquoise ones. His eyes softened. “Let’s talk about this reasonably.”