Page 120 of Predestined Hearts

For emphasis, I looked at my watch. “What’s it going to be? Tick-tock, baby.”

“I want copies of everything.”

“No. My deal is not negotiable.” My hands sliced through the air.

He closed his eyes for a second. “What guarantees do I have that you won’t leak the stories anyway?”

“Because I want my life back and I want you out of it. I never would have gone this far if it wasn’t for you. Leave me and everyone I love alone and you’ll keep your precious empire.” I was breathing hard.

He nodded. I turned and walked out. As I reached the door, Harris spoke, “I really do love you, Ashlin. I wish I had done things differently.”

There was no reason to respond. I walked out of the room without looking back. Now it was time to catch the plane to Savannah.

Leaving a shop in downtown Savannah with a purchase I needed for what I was about to do, I tried Gael for the millionth time. The restaurant had confirmed he wasn’t due in until later this evening. The hostess hadn’t hung up on me which I took as a good sign. His employees were fiercely loyal.

If I couldn’t find him, at least I knew where he’d be at seven tonight. Driving on instinct, I headed toward the island. It had felt like a lifetime ago even though it’d only been five days. My palms were sweating as I prepared to explain myself to Gael. Hopefully, I wasn’t too late and he was waiting as his note had said.

After what seemed like an eternity, I pulled into the gravel driveway. Gael’s car was here. My love is here. Throwing my car into park, I ran up to the house and banged on the door. With how things were between us, it didn’t feel right using the key. There was no answer.

Not giving up, I headed around back and paused when I saw the tree where Daniel had made a statement of his love for Sophia. That carving was a testament to tried and true love standing the test of time.

Love does live on in our hearts.

Rounding the corner of the house, my heart stopped. Gael stood on the sandy beaches with his hands in his khaki pants as he stared out into the ocean. His dark-brown hair blew in the wind. It was a beautiful crisp day. His look mirrored mine when I had seen myself in the mirror—alone and lost.

Gael turned my way. I ran toward the love of my life while yelling, “Gael! Gael! Gael!”

“Ashlin!” Relief was in his voice as he called for me. He ran my way.

My heart picked up when I saw him coming for me. If he hated me, he would’ve stayed where he was. As we met, I jumped into his arms. Gael buried his noise in the crook of my neck.

He said, “You came. You actually came. I thought I might have been wrong.”

He put me down and I put my hands around his face. Needing to get it all out there, I gave him the cliff notes version. There’d be time to give him all the details. “Harris made me do it. He wouldn’t call the doctor Amelia needed for the brain surgery. He forced me to break up with you to save her. Her life rested on my shoulders. I’m so sorry, Gael. I had to do it. I had to save my best friend. I’ve been a wreck, but couldn’t contact you at all or he’d take away all the help Amelia needed. When you came to the cafeteria he was watching. He’s been watching us all along. He knew when we stopped using condoms. I’m so sorry. I love you! I love you with my whole heart. I had to wait until I could get free of his hold permanently. Please say I’m not too late.”

Gael crushed his lips to mine and I wound my arms around his neck. The taste of mint I had pined for over the last few days flooded my mouth. I would forever love this man. He put his forehead to mine.

I whispered over and over again, “I’m so sorry. Never doubt my love for you, Gael.”

With a vicelike grip, Gael held me to him. “It’s okay, sweetheart. You’re not too late. It’s okay. I thought something was up with how scared you looked in the cafeteria. Then Steven texted me and told me how sorry he was for my mom and he was glad I was coming to see you. He said you needed me. I’ve been a mess not knowing what was going on. But if Steven didn’t know we were broken up, then I had hope.”

Sobs erupted as I thought about it all. Gael held me to him as I cried. “Ashlin, I’ve got you back. That’s all the matters. If I could kill that son-of-a-bitch I would. What’d you do to get away from the deal?”

Looking into his eyes, I spoke, “I found some documents in all my office stuff he’d sent to Amelia’s. It implicated illegal activity his father had done. The corporation would be seized and Harris would lose everything. I had a contact in one of the boxes to a newspaper. When I brought her the story, she explained how this would damage an important merger Harris’ company was working on. If he tries anything, I’ll send the stories to be published. He’ll be ruined. It was my only choice to be free of him forever. I couldn’t let him play with my loved one’s lives.”

We stood there embraced as our love was rekindled. “Ashlin, I will always love you and I’ll always be waiting for you. There’s no one else. I need to make love to you, sweetheart. I need to know you’re really here and mine again.”

I stepped back and prepared for what I was about to do. Gael looked at me in confusion. Starting my prepared speech, I said, “I was always yours and will always be yours.

When I first met you, I asked for a recipe.”

Gael nodded.

From my pocket, I took out the ring I had purchased earlier. I got down on one knee. Gael’s smile grew wide. “You said that if I wanted to know the family recipes, I would have to bring a ring and bended knee. I have both and I’m asking to be yours forever and always.”

Gael didn’t say a word as he brought me back up to a standing position, then proceeded to get down on one knee as he revealed a black velvet box. “I’m yours forever and always, Ashlin. You will forever have my heart. I’ve had this ring since I knew I wanted you to be my wife. I’ve been carrying it around since Thanksgiving, waiting for the perfect moment. I’m here asking you, with a ring and bended knee, to be my wife.”

I tackled Gael as he fell back in the sand and kissed him. “Yes! Yes! Yes!” Our tongues danced, then I pulled back with a grin on my face. “Wait, I asked you first?”