Page 118 of Predestined Hearts

My eyes closed as I prayed the solution would present itself on how I was going to reclaim my love.

I awoke on the couch and read the time as five in the afternoon. I’d been asleep for over four hours. Sleeping at the hospital had been sporadic and unrestful. My body had needed this respite. Feeling like a new woman, I stretched and checked my phone.

There was a text from Steven:

Steven: Amelia’s still doing well. The loss of the baby is still hard. She wanted to know if you could come back tomorrow instead of tonight. She loves you and doesn’t want to hurt your feelings.

Me: Of course. You guys need each other. I’m so sorry for your loss, Steven. If either of you need anything, I’m here. Tell Amelia not to worry about me at all.

A few minutes later, Steven responded.

Steven: We know and we love you for it.

Me: Love you guys, too.

Hearing my stomach growl, I walked the kitchen. The fridge was empty. The freezer had a few Lean Cuisine meals. Tears accumulated in my eyes as I remembered Gael’s reaction to them. I took one out and spoke to myself as I opened the box, “I don’t have access to you or your restaurant, so I’m not breaking my promise to you. I’ll find a way back to you. That’s a promise I will keep.”

All I had been thinking about was Amelia’s recovery, Harris’ actions, and how to get back to Gael. I needed a mental break. Remembering my boxes from Harris’ place were in the back bedroom closet, I cooked my spaghetti meal to perfection in the microwave, then headed back there.

When I opened the closet door, I felt terrible I hadn’t gotten these boxes sooner. The walk-in closet was filled to the brim. This was exactly what I needed. Taking a bite, I chuckled, still not understanding what Gael and his father had against these delicious meals.

All of my totes were a dark-gray that had labels with all that was inside. A lighter gray one caught my attention and I looked at the label.

Upon closer inspection, these looked like the color-coded boxes I’d done for his father’s office from the high-rise apartment in downtown New York City. Supposedly, this was where his dad stayed due to office hours ninety percent of the time. However, I believed this was the place he brought the prostitutes he saw.

Harris had wanted everything from the condo’s office to be sent to our new apartment. The mover’s had put some of the boxes in my office by mistake. I thought I had gotten them all to Harris’ office, but it appeared I missed one.

Opening the tote, I looked through all of the files. They were financial statements as well as some e-mails. Most of it seemed like normal business transactions. At the bottom of the box was a black jump drive. With nothing else to do, I strolled to Amelia’s computer in the third bedroom they converted into an office. Her password had been the same since I could remember, professionalasskickergirl101. Typing it in, I was rewarded with entry. I plugged the jump drive in and ran through all the files.

My mouth dropped open at what I had found. “Holy shit!”

Knowing I didn’t have much time left this evening before the deadline, I ran to the bedroom where my office files were to look for a number I knew was my ticket to freedom.

It was six forty-five in the morning. I’d gotten here early after picking up a paper. When Steven had texted at six saying Amelia was awake and wanted to see me whenever I came up, I’d let him know I was here.

Steven kissed me on the cheek. “I’m going to get some breakfast.”

“Okay, take your time.”

Steven left and I sat next to the bed.

Amelia lips turned down as she spoke, lip trembling, “I lost the baby.” Amelia was stronger today in volume, but still slow to speak and tired.

She flexed her hand and I grabbed it. “I know, but the doctor said you’ll be able to have more. I know that doesn’t take away from the loss, but you will still be able to be a wonderful mother.”

As I spoke, I flashed back to Sophia being the mother to Annabelle. Her marrying Devlin finally made sense. If Sophia had been meant to die all along, there was no way that she could have known motherhood. In a weird way, the cruel world had shown mercy to her.

“In time, I’ll be okay. The loss, I think, will forever be there.” I squeezed her hand lightly. Amelia tried to turn her head and flinched. I moved my face to where she could see me better. Amelia watched me as she asked. “Is everything okay, Ashlin?”

Giving her a relieved smile, I responded with hope, “It will be. I need to head back to Savannah for a few days, but I’ll be back. Is that okay?”

Amelia yawned. It was time to let her rest. “Of course. Go make up with your hunny.”

I was shocked. Amelia was barely able to speak and she had been more intuitive than anyone else I’d been with.

“How’d you know?”

She gave a rough chuckle. “We’re best friends. I know all.”