I separated myself from James and faced him. He’s eyes were all over my body and that gave me ammunition to get down and dance more. “So, Sienna—where do you live? Somewhere close by?”

“I did—I’m on vacation. Home is London—for now,” as my eyes scanned the crowd. The song ended and I found Jen across me watching us intently with drinks in hands.

‘Goodness, Sienna Richards! You know, everyone was checking you out? You looked sooo sooo hot dancing like how you were in there! I was even getting hot and bothered watching you two dance—and that’s saying something! Was that to show someone that you still got your groove on? Hmmm?’

I laughed.

Oh Jen! How right you are. I shook my head in denial and smiled innocently.

“And who might you be?” she asked James who unknowingly followed me.


‘I’m James,’ who was about five ten, muscled, dirty blonde hair spiked, with boyish good-looks.

‘Where are you from?’ Jen quipped. Knowing how she works, she’ll have him thoroughly grilled about his life. We’re protective of each other so we tend to do this with most men we meet.

Enthusiastically freeing her hand holding the Lemon Drop and decidedly took the tequila shot she was handing out to me.

My, that burns.

But welcomed the hot warm feeling it was giving my body as I murmured ‘thanks’. She didn’t seem to hear me because she was still busy talking to James.

I, on the other hand, was busy scanning the room to see if I see a familiar face. Okay, I’m guilty. I want to see more of Kyle and what he’s up to, but he’s nowhere to be seen from where I’m standing. I just can’t believe he was being cold and indifferent towards me. What was the whole introduction scene with Brook, anyway? If he wants me to think that he’s moved on and is happier then—he definitely succeeded getting his message across.

I decided right then and there that I wouldn’t be thinking about him anymore. Maybe this whole trip of getting a closure from Kyle was just stupid and irrevocably irreparable. I can’t torture myself with the thoughts of him with his girlfriend kissing and groping each other somewhere in a dark corner outside. All I have to do is endure this night and move on, but for the mean time—I have to hold my head high—even if I’m anguished, my heart gutted and intestines twisted inside out. Or I could possibly take Blake’s offer. I could drown myself happily just starting at him.

Was this jealousy I feel? Or merely an indication that I still am in love with Kyle?

I love him. I’ve loved him all my life. But in love with him? I’m not so sure. I mean—if I was dangerously in love with him—then I wouldn’t have left him, surely? I would have found a way to still be next to him—or simply endure being miserable in Los Angeles if it meant being with him.

I miss him and I’m mad that he ended our friendship like this. I want to salvage our friendship, if nothing else.

Would I want him back if he begs me? I don’t know. My mind cannot process the possibility of us getting back together when it was blatantly apparent that he was in a happy, satisfying relationship.

Before I left home, I made that whole spiel of loving him, but I felt that I needed freedom. I desperately sought change, away from my horrid miserable past with my extended family and the memory of my dad.

Kyle took it badly when he learned of my plan, of course, he was crazy about me. We were inseparable then—we finished each other’s sentences. We were happy together, but my soul needed something more, to feel free, free from memories of my past.

So, my announcement to go to school in England was a surprise to everybody—most of all to Kyle. He didn’t speak to me for days. He felt betrayed and implied I was giving up on us, our relationship.

Distraught and wounded, he still he stuck it through until I left for school, showing me how much he loved me. Those few weeks before my departure were bittersweet. I remembered having a hard time letting him go at the airport, clutching and hugging him so fiercely.

The memories brought a melancholy sigh and brought my attention back to my reality.

Looking at both of them, “Well it was great to meet you, James” Jen politely said. I was still reeling from my nostalgic flood of flashbacks—swamped with the thoughts of what might’ve been—mind shuffled back to the past and lost track—that I was here standing—in the middle of a damning party.

“Doll, can I speak to you for a sec?” she grabbed my hand and dragged me to a corner.

“Sure, be back in a sec, James,” I gave him one of my melt-to-your-bones smile or so-called effect I thought it would do. And it seemed to work from the look he just gave me.

I needed a diversion and the unfortunate victim was James. I needed to gather my bearings before I go ballistic with roaring jealousy and might do something drastic to get Kyle’s attention—like going up to him and giving him a kiss—so scorching—it would haunt him forever.

So, I needed James tonight, for my sanity’s sake.

“Hey! What’s up?” Questioning her with an arched brow knowing full well what she wanted to speak to me about.

“I’m going to leave the party with, Ethan. He’s off and another person is taking the shift so we decided to go grab something to eat somewhere. Will you be okay if I leave and you catch a ride with Mickey or something? If you can’t catch a ride—call me—and I’ll come get you.”

‘I take Ethan’s the hot-tender right? Laughing, ‘Jen, seriously, go have fun. Don’t worry about me—I have only two weeks to party and back to school again, so I’ll be okay? Go enjoy yourself! I’ll see you tomorrow for catch-up and fro-yo, ‘kay?’ I hugged her and kissed her blushing cheek. It really bothered her leaving me here, but she’s not my sitter. As much as I love hanging out with Jen, she needs to enjoy and meet people. I wanted her to be happy especially after Tony.

“Have fun, doll” I gave her a huge grin.

‘Will do! Alright, catch up with you tom! And be safe, k? Call me if you need me—anytime.’

“See you!” I shooed her away and went my way back to James, who was watching my interaction with Jen with hawk-like intensity.

“Did anybody tell you how gorgeous and sexy you are?” His dark eyes traveling all over me like I’m a piece of candy to be savored.

“Do you just say anything to get laid tonight? Because let me tell you, your line is way off the finishing line!” I instantly quipped back.