Ha! This is a merry-go-round play date buddy—nothing more, I thought.

The last time I had sex or any intimacy for that matter was with Kyle. It’s not that I didn’t find anyone attractive in London—apart from crushing on Blake—but that’s beside the point—he’s a friend. I went to a lot of house parties and met quite a few interesting and attractive men, but not one who gave me the I-can’t-breathe-and-think-around-you-feeling.

Maybe if I put myself out there instead of cutting them off before they even spoke would make a vast difference.

Maybe I should take up on Lucy’s offer of blind dates, just to dip my toes into the dating world.

Snapping me back to reality, I gulped down the rest of my drink and placed it on the table next to me. The amount of alcohol I’ve consumed tonight we’re a mixture of vodka and tequila. A lethal combination in my drunken trance—but it was a prerequisite if a person was dealing with such emotional upheaval.

‘Come on, James. Dance with me’ I said invitingly. The music blared and my feet were itching to move on the dance floor and let loose, letting my body speak through the art of dancing.

We were setting our rhythm and I danced against him, my back touching his chest. I let out a sigh. Where was Kyle? I thought sadly. Stupid girl! Just let it go already, I scolded myself.

The dance was getting intense and James was gripping both of my hips, grinding and swaying slowly. I honestly don’t care because I want to forget—even for a few minutes, then I’ll go look for Mickey and ask him for a ride back to Jen’s apartment.

James was getting quite comfortable, so comfortable in fact that he was moving his hands up and down the side of my stomach.

“You’re so hot, I want you,” he whispered in my ear. Rolling my eyes and ignored him.

Right, not going there buddy. I’m just using him for temporary flash of recklessness in me with the use of dancing, but nothing more.

Am I a tease? Yes, definitely. Do I feel guilty about it? No, not really.

I closed my eyes again feeling the beat and feeling of alcohol seeping working its way through body. I feel relaxed and smiled rocking the smashing beat with James. He was actually a descent dancer.

I felt his lips kissed my exposed shoulder, softly working gently towards my neck. His hot breath gave me a shudder. “James, I don’t think that’s a good idea—

Out of nowhere, someone yanked my right arm and dragged me away so quickly, my head spun.

Everything was a blur—from the dance floor—passing the living room and up the stairs. Stumbling half-way through the stairs, I yelped from the tightened hold of my arm.

I tried to detach his fingers—but he was too strong. His strong fingers sunk deeper in my flesh, gripping it harder.

Sudden fear washed over my entire body. It was too dark in here, no light coming from the hallway or bedroom doors.

How am I supposed to take charge and free myself if I can’t see my attacker? I freaked.

I told myself to calm down and breathe.


Think rationally, you can do this, Sienna.

I was trying to get ground on the situation and where this person was taking me.

It was dark and it seems like my abductor sure knows where he’s going.

The floor boards made a squeaking sound and the person holding my hand quickly turned around—whooshing air—and there it was the overpowering smell—the smell I knew so well, making my throat constrict with familiarity.

Kyle. What the f**k?!


“Excuse me! Where the hell do you think you’re taking me?! How dare you Kyle!” unleashed fury roaring off me.

How dare he manhandle me like that!

He opened a door and brashly shoved me inside with him.

I quickly scanned the room.

It was dark but it was illuminated with the glowing light of the moon from the bay window. The room was quite large, but inhabited, a guest room, perhaps.

I slowly glanced back and found Kyle looking down at me furious like I have never seen him before.

My heart slammed wildly against my chest.

“Are you trying to embarrass yourself, SIENNA?” He raked at me, face thunderous with seething anger. “Are you trying to prove something?” glaring and spitting fire, “Are you trying to prove that you’re a big girl, now? Taking offers and sampling men to your liking?”

Kyle was accusing and livid.

“Excuse me? I was dancing with James! Mind your own f**king business and go back to your amazing girlfriend!” screaming like a banshee at him, “And if—I am taking offers and sampling them—it’s my goddamned business. NOW, LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!’ yelling with suppressed rage.

How dare he? How dare he? After how he was being cold towards me all night, without even a backward glance, and now he gives me this blasted brutish treatment?


I’m done dealing with this crap; I’m going home—back to London.

I tried to grab the handle of the door, but he quickly caught my hand and swiftly placed me on the wall next to the door.

Both of his hand landed securely in between my head, so I was imprisoned and have no chance in hell of escaping.

I stared at him, wide-eyed and reeling.

Shocked at his attitude and his chauvinistic demeanor, “Are you f**king drunk, Kyle?” I angrily asked him, “Did you not hear what I just said?”

He just kept staring at me like he didn’t even hear my question.

He moved closer.

His eyes burning me.

I can smell him, his smell that I used to adore so much, the smell that reminded of long nights sleeping in the nook of his neck—being this close to him—tested me to the hilt and it’s driving me insane with acute lust.

Nostalgic and longing.

Molten eyes rove all over my body, reacquainting himself.

His eyes stopped on my lips, his eyes darkened. My heartbeat quickened its pace, my breathing shallow.

My body quivered from his close scrutiny. Goose bumps covered my body.

Nipples tightened and my stomach all over the place. Damn him.

His gaze was too powerful—and like a prey, I was hypnotized and captivated by him, by his closeness, by this sudden reminder that he was my first love, my first everything. I closed my eyes and tried my damndest to steady the wildly beating of my heart.

His thumb traced my full bottom lip slowly like he was trying to ingrain it in his memory. The instant his thumb touched my skin, I was enthralled.

‘Sienna’, he said my name in a whisper that was full of pain and hunger.

My heart twisted.

I slowly opened my eyes and was tormented at the look in his eyes.