Hidden bitterness laced his words.

‘Umm, I’ve missed Jen and needed to tie some loose ends with the conservatorship (outright lie)—so, I decided to come back during break. It’s only two weeks anyway, so I won’t be staying long’

Shit. I sounded so lame. Couldn’t I come up with something better to say? Sigh.

Why was he being all cold, anyway? He’s the one who broke-up with me.

‘Right, anyway ladies—I want you to meet my amazing girlfriend, Brooke,’ announcing as he hooked his left arm to his amazing girlfriend with a huge cat-like fake smile and a massive rack.


She looked fake, a Blonde Bimbo.

She was clingy, giggly, and uses that whiney voice like a little girl—it makes me want to scratch the wall with my nails. I hated her already and from the looks she was giving, with pure disdain, the feeling was mutual.

Since when was Kyle attracted to BB’s anyway? He always made fun of BB’s.

‘Hey! Pleasure to meet you people—but we must go and mingle with others, Kyle? I see some of your friends are already in the tub. Let’s go! I can’t wait to get you wet baby!’ She coaxingly said as she grabbed his hand and left for the tub in lightning speed.

Nice, she’s amazing indeed.



‘Nice girlfriend there’

‘Don’t mention it. I know your dying with questions, but let’s skip it tonight, okay? I pleaded.

The house was in full-on grinding party mode as the speakers pounded, blaring ‘Birthday Cake’ by Rihanna and everyone was dancing and grinding with the beat.

‘Hey! Why don’t you stay put and mingle with the eager men out here, hmm? I’ll go get us our drinks, lemon drop or a shot?’ I looked at Jen with a raised eyebrow.

I knew she was going to go check out the hot-tender and have her wicked way with him, so I’m not even going to go and trouble myself to go in line for drinks.

‘How about get me both, please? I’m in dire need of it’ I winked at her as I fished out my phone from my purse and checked for messages.

I got one three emails from friends back home. Chad, Blake and from Lucy/Toby.

From: Lucy Connelly

Be strong and don’t forget to enjoy! In case, you forgot.. you’re on vaca too!

See you when you get back!

WE love you,

Lucy and Toby xxxxx

Lucy’s message made me smile. She likes to smother people with as much ‘xxx’s’ as she can in her messages and I love her for it.

From: Chad Wilson

Baby girl! You would never guess! I just got a spot on for a show! I’m so psyched! Couple of months away though, but shit! This is cray! How’s vacation? Call me the moment you land on Heathrow!

I miss you lover!

Your ever sexy java-mamba friend,

C xxx

Oh, Chad! I’m so happy for you! I can’t help getting excited for him. He’s an artist—a photographer to be precise and he’s quite gifted. Finally! This will be a very good opportunity for him to be exposed after a few months of being depressed. It’s a competitive field out there. This show’s going to be his big break!

Opening my message from Blake, I suddenly felt warm knowing my friends were supporting me even if they aren’t physically here.

From: Blake Knightly

Hanging in there, poppet? Make it short and quick. No need to linger with the bloody tosser! We still have a few episodes to catch up with Game of Thrones, so you better bring your cute butt back home immediately! Or better yet—want me to come get you, Sienna? I’ll book the next flight out or I could use one of company jets to fetch your tenacious self. Don’t doubt me because I bloody will drag you back to England, if I must. Two weeks without you or Toby (since he decided to permanently attach himself to Lucy’s side) it has been uneventful to say the least. The break-up with Camille didn’t help much. The woman was painstakingly relentless wanting to move in with me. Got to dash, but don’t forget about my offer about coming back early! I’m only a text or phone call away. I miss you.




My butt is anything but cute! I got the junk to back it up. How can he say it’s cute?

Because he thinks you’re just cute—you’re just you, DUH?

I should’ve been used to it with Blake—I mean—we’re friends—but as good-looking as he is, I wanted him to see the other side of me—not the reliable, good friend side—but the attractive, sexy side of me—at least just once.

But no, he’s been impervious and treats me like his buddy from his boarding school days.

He and Camille broke-up? And she wanted to move in with him after barely two months of dating? I can perfectly picture Blake’s reaction, mortified, racing to the hills. He abhors it when he feels like he’s being trapped. He confessed as much before when I met him the very first time and had a similar predicament.

Blake’s message—is just so Blake. Bossy and demanding with a tad of adorableness on the side. If it were from another guy, I’d think that he couldn’t wait to have me back home and his going ballistic from missing me, but sadly it’s from Blake. So, no hidden agenda there, plain and simple. I put my phone back in my clutch purse and swayed with the music and weaved my way to the floor to dance.

One thing for sure, you can always count me in for dancing. I love how to lose and immerse myself in the music and just make my body speak and move to the beat. I dance when I’m stressed out by going to hip-hop classes or Zumba few classes a week in Hampstead. Chad manages the dance studio and after closing time—we have our own little dance-off. It was our ritual and the bond that brought us together.

Closing my eyes, swaying my hips slowly and seductively, to match the rhythm of the music—when I felt someone grabbed my hand. I opened them slowly, disappointed that it wasn’t Kyle standing in front of me.

I knew he was somewhere outside, possible sucking face and swapping spit with his BB, but I couldn’t help it. I’m back home, and being home just makes me want Kyle, badly.

Maybe I’m nostalgic ‘cause I haven’t been laid in what like nine months? Who knows.

‘Hi! My name’s James—dance with me?’ he smoothly asked. Hmm, not bad looking. Quite decent actually—not like Kyle but decent enough and he seemed nice.

‘Sure, James’ I smiled at him as he twirled me around and my back landed on his chest. That was impressive. This man can dance. The DJ changed up the music to some raggaeton song with Pitbull singing “Go Girl” and the tempo started to pick-up as did we. Raggaeton music’s for sensual dancing. More of showing you’re your skills with popping your hips and being sexy.