“Gabby, you’re welcome to stay with us,” Harrison says. “Like Gwen said, it’s not an imposition.”

“No. No way. You need family time. I’m not staying with you.”

“Mom and Dad?” Gwen suggests.

“Really?” she asks her sister.

“Hey, it’s better than that place across from the jail,” Gwen says.

“Sure, says the girl who has a husband and baby girl and doesn’t need to move back in with Mom and Dad. No way. You know they’ll be tracking my every move. Nope. Can’t do it.”

I don’t know why this is an issue. She should stay with me. Having her in my house, close to me, that’s where she belongs. Convincing her of that is the problem. “Then stay with me. I have more than enough space. You can have your own room.” I watch as her eyes widen, and I’m waiting for the infamous roll that never happens.

“You know, Gabby, that’s not a bad idea,” Harrison says. “Besides, we’ve been working so much with all the new locations, and Chase is hardly ever home.”

“No.” She shakes her head. “I can’t stay with you.”

“Why not?” Gwen and I ask at the same time.


“Come on, babe, you can do better than that.”

“I’m not your babe. I’m not your anything. I don’t want to be in your house with all your… floozies coming in and out. Ew.”

“First of all, there are no floozies,” I say as Sophia lets out a whine.

“She probably needs to be changed.” Gwen takes her from me, and with Harrison hot on her heels, they head down the hall to his office.

“Second, you could be,” I tell Gabby.

“Could be what?”

“My babe.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me?” she says, rolling her eyes. “Do you not already have enough notches on your bedpost?”

“Have you seen my bedpost, sweetheart?” The fire in her eyes is back, and I’m grateful. I hate the defeated look that was on her face.


I take a step toward her. She backs against her desk, so I take another step. Not stopping until we’re toe-to-toe. “I’m not sure where you got this floozy information, but you need to check your facts.” Obviously, she’s not been paying attention. There hasn’t been a woman in my bed, or otherwise, for longer than I can remember. Not when all I think about is her.

Her hands land on my chest, I assume to try and push me away, but she just rests them there. “You’re Chase Callahan, God’s gift to women. I’ve seen you leave the bar with far too many. Don’t forget who you’re talking to here.”

“You see me leave with them, that’s the best you’ve got? So what? I’m a nice guy, making sure they get home or in a cab safe. I’m not fucking them.” Not that I couldn’t have fucked them. I just didn’t want to. It’s wrong to use them when all I’d be thinking about is her.

“Chase, come on, you can’t expect me to believe that.”

“I can, and I do. Your assumptions are wrong. You’re not even close. You tried that shit assuming I slept with Gina, twice I might add. Those women aren’t even my type.”

“What is your type?” she asks, leaning into me. I can feel the warmth of her body seeping into my skin.

“Brunette, about five foot five, big green eyes, and sassy as hell.” A blush instantly coats her cheeks. Lifting my hand, I run the pad of my thumb over the light coloring. “She’s feisty, loyal, and protective of those she loves.” She was mad as hell at Harrison and gave him the cold shoulder for a while, even after Gwen had accepted him back into her life. Gabby isn’t one to take shit, and if you hurt someone she cares about, look out because the claws are coming out. “She’s also stubborn as fuck and tries my patience on a daily basis.”

“Sounds like she’s more trouble than she’s worth,” she says softly, her green eyes locked on mine.

“Nah.” I cup her face in my hands. “She’s worth everything.” I’m leaning into her, and she’s gripping my shirt, our lips a breath apart. I could move just a fraction and I’d be kissing her. I’ve thought about the softness and the taste of her lips more times than I can count. “Stay with me. Please,” I whisper. “I need to know you’re safe.”

“W-Why?” she questions, her brows furrowing as if she really doesn’t understand it.

“Why? How about because you’re all I think about? How about the fact that if I know you’re there unprotected in that shithole, all I’ll do is worry about you?” I pause, debating on whether I should kiss her. I really want to kiss her. “What if I told you I like the idea of you being at my place, your things mixed with mine?” Her eyes widen, but she remains still, her hands gripping my shirt. Leaning in, I place my lips next to her ear. “How about just because I want you to?” I say, kissing just below her ear.