It’s a first for us. I’ve fantasized about my lips against her skin for years, and I’m at my breaking point. I’ve been biding my time, telling myself she wasn’t ready, but fuck that. I’m ready. I’ve been ready. Watching Harrison lose Gwen, only to win her back, and now with baby Sophia, I want more than just witty, flirty banter. I want that and so much more.

“Chase.” My name from her lips is almost a plea.

“Gabby,” I say, dropping both hands only to wrap them around her waist.

“W-What are you doing?”

“Holding you.”

“But… why?” she asks, her hands falling to her sides.

“Because I want to.”

“Oh.” She’s surprised, and I have to bite back my grin.

“Stay with me.”

“Chase, I can’t—”

I pull her tighter. “You can. Come on, you can’t tell me staying at my place is less desirable than that shithole across from the jail.”

“It’s not that.”

“What is it?”

“This.” She steps out of my hold, and I let her. My arms falling at my sides. “I can’t do this, Chase. I can’t let you use your playboy charm on me. I refuse to fall for it.”

“You can’t be serious right now? Do I look like I’m playing a game to you?” I can’t seem to win with this girl.

“That’s just it. Players never do.”

“Gabby.” I sigh. “Tell me what it’s going to take to keep you from moving there. I don’t want you to live there, not when I have my place nice and cozy and safe on the other side of town. What do I have to do?”

She studies me, biting down on her bottom lip. I’m not against begging her if that’s what it takes. In fact, I’ll do just about anything to keep her safe. That she’s going to be living under my roof is just a bonus.

“We’re friends,” she says slowly. “That’s all we’ll ever be. You don’t even like me.”

“Did you not just hear a word I said?”

She rolls her eyes. “Trust me, I heard you. Saying words and meaning them are two different things.”

“Fine,” I grit out. “Friends.”

“Friends.” She nods. “It will only be for a few weeks at most. I just need more time to find a place. I get my own room, with a lock on the door.”

“Jesus, Gabby. Are you afraid of me?” The thought sits heavy in my gut.

“No.” She’s quick to assure me. “I just think it’s for the best.”

“You’re willing to live in that shithole but insist on a lock on the bedroom door at my place? Unbelievable,” I say, running my hands through my hair. She tries my patience at every damn turn.

“This is a bad idea.” She reaches for her phone.

“What are you doing?”

“Calling to accept the apartment.”

“No.” Reaching out, I take the phone out of her hands and toss it on the desk. “Fine, you can have a lock. You can have ten fucking locks if that’s what it takes.”

“This is not me moving in with you. This is not a free pass for you to use me for sex. This is a friend helping a friend. That’s it. Nothing more. I’ll be gone before you even notice I’m there.”

No chance of that. “Fine. You’re off for the rest of the day. Go home. Start packing. I’ll be at your place at six to start to get your stuff.” I’m not giving her a chance to change her mind.

“I’ve already started packing,” she says defiantly, crossing her arms over her chest. “And my car broke down, remember?”

Again, her breasts lift and threaten to spill over. Sexy, infuriating woman. Reaching into my shorts, I grab my truck keys. I don’t normally keep them on me, but I was so frustrated with her this morning, and her lack of getting rid of that hunk a junk car, I’ve been off my normal routine. “Take my truck. I’ll catch a ride with Harrison.”

“Woah!” We hear from beside us, causing us both to turn and look. Harrison has a sleeping Sophia in his arms, and Gwen is looking between Gabby and me as if we’re some kind of tennis match. “What did we miss?” she questions.

“I guess I’m staying at Chase’s. Just for a couple of weeks. Three tops. That gives me time to find my own place. We’ll be temporary roommates, who hardly ever see each other,” she rushes to add.

This probably isn’t a good time to remind her I can make my own hours. “We’re going to start moving her in tonight,” I say to Harrison. “She’s taking my truck. Can you give me a ride?” I’m also apparently heading to the hardware store to get a new door handle with a lock.

“Sure. I’ll help. I’m going to walk them out. I’ll be right back.” I nod, watching them go. For the first time, I can admit to myself that I want what he has. I want a wife to come home to, and a baby, maybe a couple of babies. My only issue is when that scenario plays out in my mind, Gabby is the only woman I can see by my side.