She doesn’t want me to know.

“Well?” I ask her.

“Nothing. You didn’t miss anything,” she says, looking away.

She’s lying. What the beautiful Gabrielle doesn’t realize is that I’ve spent years, yes years memorizing her. The sparkle of those green eyes, her laugh lines, the way she tries to pretend that she’s not attracted to me. I know her better than she knows herself.

A few months ago, when the crazy Gina was on the loose and before the restraining orders were in place, I tried to get her to stay with me. She refused, so I made myself at home on her couch. I hid it well that the thought of something happening to her made me crazy. Instead, I went with what we’re good at. Banter. I teased her mercilessly and spent my nights crunched up on her couch, wishing I was next to her in bed. I’m still working out the kinks in my neck, but it was worth it.

She was cranky as hell in the mornings. To me, she was too damn cute with her sleep-laced voice and tiny barely there pajamas to do the act any justice. Seeing that side of her, getting time with her just the two of us… I miss it.

“It’s more than nothing,” Gwen says, hands on her hips. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell us.” I can hear the hurt and concern in her voice.

“Gabby.” My voice is stern and leaves no room for bullshit.

“This doesn’t involve you, Chase,” she responds, holding her head high and rolling those beautiful green eyes. She puts on a good front. I’ll give her that. Too bad for her I can see right through it.

“She’s moving,” Harrison says, filling me in.

“What?” I choke on the word. Swallowing hard, I try again. “What do you mean you’re moving? Where? When?” I fire off questions like a jealous lover. Jealous yes. Lover no. Not that I’m opposed to it. In fact, I’d like nothing more than to claim Gabby as mine. Problem is, she’s not ready yet. Until she is, we’ll continue this banter that’s more like foreplay. It’s the next best thing. It keeps all her attention and focus on me. At least when we’re in the same room.

“It’s no big deal.” Gabby sighs. “My building sold, so I have to move.”


“That’s the issue. She doesn’t know, and she has to be out by Sunday. Sunday!” Gwen says, exasperated.

“Pipe down, sister of mine. I have a few days to move. I told you I already found a place.”

“Where?” I ask again, sounding like a broken fucking record.

“Oh, this should be good.” Harrison grins and settles against the wall, taking his wife with him.

“Traitor.” Gabby sticks her tongue out at him.

I can tell by my best friend’s reaction, I’m not going to like what she has to say. “Spill,” I tell her.

“It’s this cute little place just on the edge of town.” She’s evading the question.

“Right,” Gwen scoffs. “You know the place, Chase. The one that’s right across the street from the jail.”

Fuck that. “No.”

“What do you mean, no?” Gabby stands from her chair, but she barely reaches my shoulders. She’s a tiny thing.

“Do you really want me to dumb down the meaning of the word no for you? I thought you were smarter than that.” I can almost see the steam coming out of her ears, and there’s fire in her eyes.

“Listen you…” She glances down at Sophia in my arms and huffs out a breath. “Jerky McJerkface, I don’t need your blessing or your permission. I can choose to live wherever I want.” She crosses her arms over her chest, pushing her breasts up in the V-neck shirt she’s wearing. Sometimes I think she does that shit on purpose, like she knows how she affects me.

“You’re not moving there.” No way in hell am I letting her live there.

“I can and I will.”



I shrug. “When is move-in day?” I ask her.

“Uh, I have to be out by Sunday,” she says cautiously.

“Great. However, this time, you either let me sleep in the bed with you or I’m bringing my own. I can set it up in the corner in the living room.”

“W-What? No. No way, Chase Callahan. You are not sleeping in my bed or in my apartment. Not happening.”

“Then find a new apartment.” There is no humor in my voice. My eyes bore into hers, and she knows I’m not kidding. She knows my words are not an empty threat, but a promise.

“Chase,” she says with a sigh. “I don’t have any other options. It will be temporary. Just until something else comes up.”

It’s rare to see this side of her. Resolved. Pulling my hand from Sophia’s grip, I reach out and grab Gabby’s, giving it a gentle squeeze. “Then I’ll be staying with you until that happens.”