Page 4 of The Blood Shadows

"No, he's human," Nox responded and then added. "It was a shock for me too."

“I can imagine.” Master Rose slowly began to smile and walked over to place his hand on Nox’s shoulder. “Fate is surely smiling on us.”

"Yes, she is." Nox agreed and felt a flutter of something he could not describe; it was a sense of lightness and maybe joy. Nox also explained saving him from an attack as Ian was walking to the train. "I killed the man who laid hands upon him and sent his remains to the underworld. There is no evidence of what took place there."

“Good thing you were close by and I’m glad your man is safe.” Drakon said and Nox nodded.

"If we can be of any assistance to you as you make your claim, do not hesitate to ask. I am so happy for you, Nox." The Master was sincerely pleased for him.

"Take all the time off that you need, and I look forward to meeting your beloved," Drakon told him. Nox was encouraged by their support. He wasn't sure what they would say or if they'd even believe him, considering demons do not have mates or beloveds.

“Thank you both.”


Ian lay in his bed tossing and turning his mind, running over everything that had happened for the millionth time. The weirdness at work, followed by the attack and then meeting Nox Samara the whole night, had been strange, but other parts were amazing. Being rescued by a man like Nox was something he'd have never expected.

Few people are willing to put themselves out in the way that Nox did, and Ian is convinced that the man has saved his life. The attacker had a knife to his throat and was not interested in anything apart from slitting Ian's throat. It was awful and horrific, but Nox was there, and Nox saved him.

He finally nodded off and woke around four to the sounds of Ron stomping through the apartment. His door was locked, and he had placed a chair in front of it just in case Ron decided to start ramming it to get in. The idiot had done that before, and they had to pay for a new door.

Ron started yelling which was not good since the neighbors would start complaining and Ian didn’t want to have to put up with the complaints. He got up and pulled on his jeans and t-shirt before unlocking his door and stepping out into the living room.

“Stop yelling, the neighbors are going to start calling.” He said and when Ron’s eyes met his he looked surprised.

“When did you get home?” He barked.

“This morning after I finished work like every day.” Ian rolled his eyes. “I’m going back to bed for a couple hours so try to be quiet or the neighbors are going to start complaining again.”

"I'll be as fucking noisy as I want, and the neighbors can get fucked." Ron threw his cup, which looked to be filled with coffee, at Ian but missed and smashed against the living room wall. "Go back to bed, you lazy little fuck. All you do is sleep all day. I should toss your sorry ass out into the street."

“Who will pay the rent if you toss me out?”

“I don’t need you. I give you this roof and don’t you ever forget it.” Ron started stumbling toward him and Ian went back to his room and locked the door. Ron was drunk so there was no use talking to him. Ron was a mean guy, and he was an even meaner drunk. Ian didn’t have the time or the desire to deal with him right now or ever.

Ian didn’t go back to bed, instead he spent the next two hours searching the internet for apartments. He nearly had enough to get into a place of his own and the sooner the better. It was after six when he heard the outer door open and close and assumed Ron had left to go get more beer or go do whatever it was he did. Ian went to the kitchen and made a cup of coffee and a ham sandwich.

He paid for the groceries but still Ron would complain about what he ate. The sounds of Ron talking loudly out in the hall spurred Ian to quickly grab his things and disappear back into his bedroom. Ron had a guest with him so they would most likely sit out on the balcony drinking for the rest of the evening and leave Ian alone.

Ian used to have a couple of friends in the building, but they had both moved away about six months ago. He didn't know anyone in the building now, and it felt rather isolating, especially when dealing with someone like Ron every day. Once he had his own place, he would settle and get to know some people. With that thought, his mind went right to Mr. Nox Samara. There was a man he was desperate to get to know better.

It was going to be hard keeping his mind on work tonight knowing that he had a dinner date with Nox. The guy had style and confidence, and he worked for one of the influential men in town. Everyone had heard of Conall Rose that man owned a good share of the city or at least that was the rumor and what he didn’t own he controlled.

He and his people kept a low profile, and he wasn't seen much in public, but his mark was everywhere. Ian had never met anyone who worked for Rose before, although it was said that he had a large workforce at his disposal. Ian heard voices in the living room and stepped closer to the door to listen. He recognized Ron but didn't recognize the man he was speaking with.

“They’ll try again tomorrow.” The man said and Rod acted angry about something. “They’ll get it done, don’t worry.”

"Just finish it." Ron sputtered out the words, and it sounded like he was falling against something.

"Go sleep it off." The man said, and now he sounded irritated. "It'll be done by the time you wake up."

“Make sure you get it right this time.” Ian had no idea what Ron was into, and he didn’t want to know. Ron’s issues were his own Ian had enough on his plate, and he would notinvolve himself in Ron's shit. It was getting late, so Ian showered and got ready for work.

After leaving the Master’s office, Nox went down to the IT room in the basement and met with Ethan. He’d messaged him that the background on Ian Mathews was complete. Nox wanted to know all that he could about his beloved in order to better serve and protect his young human.

Ethan read off the highlights of the report. "He was born Ian Ashton Mathews and is currently nineteen years and four months old. His mother is Trinda Marie Mathews, and his father is unknown. His mother abandoned him at age fifteen and has never returned. The state put him in care with his Uncle Ron Mathews, his mother's younger brother. He received compensation for caring for Ian up to the age of eighteen." Ethan paused and looked over at Nox, who was standing at the side of his desk listening. "He had a rough life Nox." Nox nodded, already recognizing that fact.

"Ian is a high school graduate, a straight arrow with no contact with the law, but the same cannot be said for Uncle Ron." Ethan read off a list of offenses ranging from petty theft to assault. "He was also arrested for beating the snot out of Ian at the age of seventeen, but he wouldn't press charges and said it was not his Uncle who assaulted him. Why the hell does he stay with this guy?”