Page 3 of The Blood Shadows

"Were you coming from work?" Nox's voice filled the space between them, and Ian held onto every word, wanting to make the best impression possible.

"Yes, I work night custodial at City Hall." He said clearly, and with pride, it was a good job with good benefits.

“Were you going to the train when you were attacked?”

“I usually pay better attention to my surroundings, and I now realize I got too close to that alley. The walk to the train is only a couple of blocks and until now I’ve managed it without incident.” Ian tried to explain himself without looking pathetic, but he wasn’t sure if he succeeded. “I live in an apartment with my Uncle on Hermitage.” He hadn’t asked where he lived but Ian felt the need to tell him as he continued his long winded explanation.

"Were you coming from work when you saw me?" Ian decided to try and change the subject of him.

"Yes, I work for Mr. Conall Rose," Nox responded easily. Conall Rose was a very important man in the city. He had his hand in many projects, and his name was associated with a variety of businesses.

“Do you work nights too?” That question earned an indulgent smile, and Ian was impressed at how that small expression softened everything about the man.

“I often work nights, but I am on call around the clock.”

“That must get tiring.”

Nox shook his head. "I like my job and my employer." They talked for a while longer, and once his coffee was finished,Ian figured he should be on his way. He wanted to get home and be in his room with the door locked before Ron woke up; otherwise, it would be hell trying to get any sleep.

Ian stood and again reached his hand out to Nox. “Thanks again for helping me.” Nox took his hand and held it just a little tighter than the last time. Ian liked the touch of his hand the warmth was reassuring and in a strange way he made Ian feel safe. It was crazy but it was a good feeling, so he was a little disappointed when Nox released him.

Nox reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a card and handed it to Ian. “Call me when you get home. I’d like to know that you made it safely.” It was an odd request, but Ian saw no harm in it plus he got this gorgeous man’s number.

"I'll call." Ian smiled and then turned to leave. He'd gone just a couple of steps and turned back, but Nox was gone. In less than a second, the man had disappeared. He stood still and stared for a few seconds before taking off for the train.

Nox moved with the shadows blended in and disappeared, but he wasn’t far from Ian. He wanted him to call but to be honest he had every intention of following him home. This man was too important to be left to his own devises Nox would make certain he reached home safe and well and in one piece.

He had noticed the perplexed look on Ian’s face when he turned back, and Nox was gone. It obviously confused him but didn’t concern him too much since he shook it off pretty quickly. If he’d known Ian was going to look back, Nox would have waited a minute before taking off. He will remember that in the future.

He sent a request to Ethan their IT department head, for all available information on Ian Mathews approximate age late teens early twenties and provided a description. Nox was touched by how easy it was for Ian to be close to him and how comfortable he was with the handshake.

Humans did not touch Nox not for any reason. The demon in Nox gave a vibe of fear and dread which humans sensed and reacted to by pulling away. Paranormal beings weren’t affected but even they tended to give Nox space when he walked through a room. Having a vulnerable human treat him so warm and casual was a new experience and Nox ate it up because the attention was coming from Ian his beloved.

He was pretty sure Ian's comfort and attraction were because Ian belonged to him. It was a shock to discover that he had been given such a gift, and he hoped it wasn't Fate playing a joke. That thought brought a tightness to his diaphragm, and he recognized it as anxiety, another feeling he rarely experienced. Life had opened a new door, and Nox was stepping inside, eager and excited to see what would come next.

Nox didn’t bother with the train confident that Ian would be okay. He rode the shadows and the wind to Ian’s apartment building and waited and soon he saw Ian making his way down the sidewalk to the building. Nox hid himself but he noticed Ian looking around curiously before opening the door and stepping inside. Nox followed him.

The apartment was on the third floor and numbered 304. Ian unlocked the door and stepped in making as little noise as possible and closed the door behind him. Nox observed the area for a few minutes and then retreated back down to the lobby and then outside to fade amongst the foliage. The call came and he answered, hearing Ian’s voice was a delight to Nox’s ears, his soft tones soothed his concerns.

“I’m home.” He said and then added. “No further attacks.” He chuckled and it felt like pure magic.

"That's good to hear." This sweet, playful banter was nice. "Would you let me take you to dinner tomorrow? I enjoy your company." Nox asked, and Ian responded without hesitation, another good sign that their bond was finding its place.

"I'd like that, thank you." They began discussing where to meet, and Nox noticed Ian was dodging around the offer to pick him up at his door. His uncle was obviously an issue, and Nox didn't want to cause him any unwanted distress.

"Meet me out front of your building." Nox offered and then added. "It will save me having to find parking." He didn't give a rat's ass about parking, but it took the pressure off Ian.

"Okay, I'll be there." Ian sounded excited, and it made Nox smile.

“Goodbye Ian sleep well.” Nox closed the call. He kept watch on the building for a while before finally leaving. The thought of folding into the shadows of Ian’s room just to make sure he was okay had passed through his mind. The stalkerish feeling of such a move kept him from carrying through.

Nox returned to the coven house and met with Master Rose and Drakon O’Hare. Nox was an enforcer and served under Drakon although he always worked alone. He made a complete report on the issue of the licensing complaint letting them know that minds were cleared and all physical and digital evidence had been removed. Then he moved on to the matter of finding his beloved.

The room fell into total silence, and both men stared at Nox. "Your beloved?" Drakon asked.

"My beloved, sir. He's a night custodian at City Hall, and his name is Ian Mathews.” Nox explained further.

"Is he paranormal?" Master Rose questioned, still acting a little confused by the declaration.