Page 5 of The Blood Shadows

"Good question. Perhaps it was misplaced loyalty or a lack of funding or options." Nox was not impressed with the life Ian was exposed to. "Where is his mother?"

"I tracked her to Macon, Georgia. She's living with a boyfriend. She's been there for nearly two years, and beforethat, she was in Miami with a different boyfriend.” Nox watched Ethan scroll through some sites and call up a phone record.

"The strange thing is that she has kept in contact with her brother Ron over these past four years. She calls him the first week of every month, and the calls last about five minutes. Maybe she's calling to check up on Ian. Although she wasn't a good parent even before she abandoned him. She has a thick file with child and family services." Ethan's information was what Nox had expected.

"I doubt she holds any concern for Ian," Nox added flatly.

“She has a record of petty crimes both here and in Georgia and Miami.”

“What about Ian’s father is there any information on him?” Nox asked curious, and Ethan shook his head. “Would you dig a little deeper on Uncle Ron the guy doesn’t seem genuine in any respect.”

“Will do.” Nox thanked him and went up to his quarters to contemplate his way forward with his newly discovered beloved. He thought about the human that had attacked Ian in that alley and the fact that he was well dressed and seemed more focused on killing Ian than robbing him and it struck him as odd. The guy had no identification on him nothing in his pockets, yet he looked well fed, healthy and clean. It wasn’t a crime of opportunity.

The more he considered the possibilities, the more he worried about the safety of his beloved. Was he making something out of nothing? He should have gotten the man's name before he killed him, but emotions were running hot at the time. Ian would be going to work soon, and Nox planned to keep an eye on him.

Ron Mathews headed for the bar as soon as Ian left for work. He’d put too much money into this plan to have it ruined by incompetence. Trinda had arranged it all with her contacts in Macon, but it was Ron’s money that was paying the bill. Ron wanted assurances that there would be success, and it would be clean and neat no messy follow ups or questions.

“What are you doing here?” The man stated tightly as he glanced around to see if anyone was noticing them.

"Trinda vouched for you and said you were good at your job, but I'm beginning to think she may be full of shit," Ron stated with barely concealed antagonism.

"Watch your words, friend, or you will become my next job." Ron immediately pulled back and looked shocked. "I wasn't hired to hold your hand or give you a blow-by-blow report on my actions. I'll let you know when it is done, so go home and keep your fucking mouth shut." The guy was angry, and he wasn't hiding it. Ron scowled but didn't say anything. He got up, went to the bar, and sat down, ordering whiskey and beer. He resisted looking over at the guy, focused on his drinks, and idly watched the television mounted to the wall.

After a few minutes the man got up and left the bar. Ron ordered another whiskey and then called Trinda. "If this blows up it's on you." She shouted. "You need to back off and stop acting so stupid."

"They've had plenty of opportunities, but nothing has happened. They're incompetent, Trinda. Where in the hell did you find these guys?" Ron retorted and then looked around to make sure no one was paying him any attention. It was busy tonight, so no one seemed to be interested in him or his phone call. "Check on them, Trinda. If you've wasted my five thousand, I will personally come to Macon and beat your fucking ass."

“Calm down and keep your mouth shut before you ruin everything.”

“Take care of it or I will.” He said and then closed the call and downed his whiskey.

Ian noticed Anne, one of the older ladies on his floor, was giving him a strange look. He wasn't concerned enough to ask her about it, figuring if she had something to say to him, she would eventually say it. It was during his four o'clock break that she sought him out and sat down next to him.

“I saw you at the coffee shop yesterday after work with a gentleman.” She began being very cautious with her words. “I don’t know how to say this, but I feel compelled to warn you." She paused, and Ian was confused about how Anne could know someone like Nox.

“Do you know him?” Ian asked.

“No, but I am a sensitive and I must tell you that he gives off an extremely negative aura. I have felt bad vibes before from people but this man reeks of dread.” Anne finished and waited for Ian to comment but Ian was at a loss. There was nothing about Nox that felt negative or dreadful and he had no idea where Anne was coming from.

“Nox is a good man.” Ian said with intent and captured Anne’s gaze and held it firmly. “He saved me from a mugger and then bought me a cup of coffee to make sure I was alright. There is nothing negative about him.” Anne still looked troubled but nodded her head and looked away.

“I just needed to share my impression.” She explained as she stood and started walking away.

"Sure, but you have nothing to worry about," Ian assured her. He wondered what it was that Anne had against Nox. Perhaps it was his suit and tie and his look of importance that made her believe he was insincere.

Ian considers himself a good judge of character, and he sees Nox as an exemplary human being. He went out of his way to help a stranger, but not many people would do that. The rest of the shift went fast, with minimal contact with other staff.

After the comments by Anne, he was afraid others might decide to add their two cents and Ian’s private life was just that private. Discussing Nox or their relationship was something that was not going to happen. A few speculative looks were cast his way, but he ignored them and thankfully no one said anything.

He clocked out at seven and took off for the train while making sure to stay aware of his surroundings. After the attack yesterday he made sure to keep his head up and his eyes open. He also made sure to stay well away from the alley entrances.

The walk went fast, and he had the overwhelming sense that he wasn’t alone perhaps it was Nox’s aura that lingered and gave him confidence and protection. He laughed at his thoughts and quickly boarded the train.

Ron hadn't bothered him while on shift, so that was good, but it also made Ian wonder what was keeping the man busy. Ian couldn't wait for the day that Ron's comings and goings would no longer be his worry or consideration. Freedom was just around the corner.

Nox checked on Ian at work, sliding into the dark hallways and following him for a while. There appeared to be no danger in the building, so he waited outside for Ian's shift to end.When the gorgeous young man appeared, Nox quickly fell into step behind him, not wanting him to make this trek on his own. The attack from last night was still very fresh in Nox's mind.

Being close to Ian was always a rush. The warmth and the smiles generated by this sweet man were becoming priceless in Nox’s eyes. Ian looked back over his shoulder a couple of times making it clear he felt him or at least his energy was felt. Their bond was building, and the sooner Nox could get this relationship on a more personal level the better.