I sat in silence, watching them watch my woman get attacked and almost raped. I took in the changes in their demeanor, facial expressions, and emotions. I didn’t look at the television because I might kill all three of them if I did. Aaron, because he raised a fuck boy and his sons, because they were brothers to a fuck boy. The gasps that left all their mouths to the sight of me snapping that bitch’s neck was satisfying.
The video was cut off after his body hit the ground. It felt like time stood still as silence rested uncomfortably in the air. All the Coopers looked bothered. Aaron the most, naturally.
“Th-this doesn’t make sense. Why would he do that? Something is not right.”
My father tilted his head. “You’re right, something isn’t right. Aaron, you may have never protected your daughter from your degenerate ass wife or your son, but my son will always protect his love and child at all costs. That cost was your son’s life.”
“Wait, wait! What are you talking about, he never protected his daughter? Who is his daughter?” AJ asked with tight eyes. “Pops, isn’t that the chick you fucking around with?”
My skin crawled at the simple implication of his question. Aaron sat there with a blank expression. He took a deep breath with his eyes closed.
“No, she is not a chick I’m fucking with. Dindi is your older sister, my daughter.”The truth shall set you free.
I sat therein horror as I watched my son attack and attempt to rape my daughter. It was hard to believe what I watched. It didn’t make sense for him to do that. What was even more alarming was the things that he said to her. The shit that he popped while he attacked her could have only come from one individual.
Out of my three sons, Cory was the non-violent, mama’s boy. He was my computer geek and gamer. A part of me knew that he never wanted to be a part of the King of Kings. For me, that was fine, but his mother was adamant about telling her sons that they were required to be a part of the club. As quiet as it was kept, I didn’t want to be a part of the club myself.
When my wife Harmony died, I was never the same. Yes, I fucked my baby over, but damn, I never thought it would end the way it did. On top of that, I was a fuck nigga who never followed up about my daughter outside of sending her three thousand dollars a month. When her mother was alive and we lived together, I barely interacted with her. There was no excuse as to why, and any excuse that I could come up with was insignificant.
The guilt of everything that I’d done during my marriage with Harmony and how non-existent of a father I was to Dindi weighed heavily on me daily. Jennifer’s skank ass texted me at my wife’s repast to tell me she was pregnant. That disrespectful bitch thought that I would be happy about it. I didn’t speak to her until an appointment was made with a doctor so that I could get a prenatal DNA test. I had all intention of leaving her ass alone before the whole pregnancy shit.
She knew that my ass didn’t believe in having children out of wedlock. When I did my dirt, I made sure I was careful to not get these hoes pregnant. I married her ass for the sake of Aaron Junior. In hindsight, that was the stupidest choice I could have ever made. It was equally as stupid as me not doing right by the true love of my life. Since I wasn’t marrying her for love, I had to make sure that my assets were secure. I knew Jennifer well enough to know that she would sign anything that I put in front of her because she wanted to be the queen so damn bad.
She’d wanted to covet Harmony’s place in my life for as long as she’d been fucking with me, and that was my fault. Although I told her that I didn’t want shit but pussy from her, my actions didn’t always say the same. Things like her having a key to my hideaway apartment and other little shit were mixed signals. The first time that she said something sideways about my wife, I should have left her ass where she was. That wasn’t the kind of side bitches any dude needed.
I found out after my son was born about the holes in the condoms when another bitch I fucked with got pregnant. After Harmony’s death, I pulled back from fucking with bitches because of my grief. The first time that I did, she ended up pregnant when I used protection. I always supplied my own protection.
One day when I was at my hideaway apartment, it dawned on me that the last person I fucked there before ole girl was Jennifer. I used protection with her too. It must have been the creator who told me to run water in the condoms in my apartment. Every condom had holes in them. That bitch trapped the fuck out of my stupid ass. The other girl didn’t want children, so she terminated the pregnancy, thank God.
“Pops, isn’t that the chick you fucking around with?” AJ’s question knocked me out of my thoughts.
That was another thing that I’d never done. I had never told my sons about their sister. In my mind, she was out of sight, out of mind. At the time, I felt that was the best decision. Now, if I had told them, Cory would never have done what he did.
“No, she is not a chick I’m fucking with. Dindi is your older sister, my daughter.”
The moment the confession left my mouth, a weight lifted from my shoulders.Dindi Aria is my daughter.She’d grown to be such a beautiful girl who looked exactly like her mother. When she showed up at theDrag the Streets, I was in shock. It was impossible not to know who she was from the moment I laid my eyes on her.
I heard about the opening of her recording studio from one of the club members. His daughter was an up-and-coming singer. At the time, I didn’t know it was her studio until I saw the media coverage on it. She was gorgeous, walking down the red carpet.Harmony Kadence.That made me smile that she joined her mother and aunt’s names to be her pseudonym. After I saw thecoverage, I reached out to her aunt for the first time since she took Dindi to California, only to find out that she passed.
“Wait, I’m confused as hell. You have a daughter?” Jason’s body turned toward me. “How do we not know about her? You just left your daughter out there on her own!”
My jaw tightened. “No, that is not what happened. When my wife died, it was her request?—”
“Hold the hell up! You were married before Mom?” AJ disbelievingly asked.
My head turned to his direction slowly. My sons knew how much I hated being interrupted. “Yes, I was. Before your mother, I was married to the love of my life. I was young and a little ass boy and fucked her over continuously. I always thought that I would have the time to grow up and get it right. That’s why I always tell y’all that if you love your girl, don’t cheat because life is too short. She died unexpectedly in a car accident when Dindi was three. In Harmony’s will, she wanted her sister, Kadence, to take guardianship of our daughter.”
I kept my attention on my sons. I felt the eyes of Kronos and his sons on me. I knew that my daughter and Zeus were together. I didn’t mind it because contrary to him killing my son, Zeus was a solid man.
“Nah, that’s not making sense. Why would your wife want y’all’s child to go to her sister instead of you, her dad? How did you even end up with mom if you didn’t, don’t love her?”
I felt shame knowing what my answer to Jason’s was going to be. “Dindi was born deaf, and I didn’t know how to deal with that, so I disconnected. For the three years that she was in my household, I was a stranger to her. Her aunt Kadence lived in California, but she was more in tune with my daughter than I was. It just made sense to let her go with her aunt. As far as your mother, she told me at my wife’s repast that she was pregnant. She knew how I felt about having children out of wedlock.
“I found out three months after you were born that she poked holes in the condom to ensure she got pregnant. When Kadence took Dindi to California, she claimed that she would send me updates, but she never did. I left it alone.”
There was no need to sugarcoat things. My sons were grown. They knew how their mother was, and they also knew that their mother had them to keep me. She was a little too loud on a phone call with a friend when they were in their teens, and they overheard her express that.
Zeus cleared his throat. “Nah, that’s not right. Kadence sent you updates all the time, but you never responded, so she eventually stopped. It’s the same way that my baby was emailing you prior to her studio’s grand opening weekly, but you never responded. She invited you to the grand opening. It was painful to see her longing for you the entire night.”