Page 27 of Zeus: Love of a god

“Fuck, Jin! Shit!” My hands gripped her hips to stop her from being overzealous on the dick. Her ass liked to fuck the hell out of me when she was on top.

She moaned lowly. “You feel so good.”

I reached up, grabbed her throat, then pulled her down to me. I needed to taste her lips. Her ass still bounced on my dick as we passionately kiss.God, I love this girl.When people saw us together, they thought that we’d been together for years, but no. My father once told me and my siblings that true, authentic love was not on a timetable and should never be. When you feel it and it was reciprocated, hold on to it.

Dindi popped into or was pushed into my life, depending on how you looked at it. I wasn’t ready for that feeling of love, but I wasn’t opposed to it either. I thanked the gods that I’d never been jaded in love. I was more readily available to accept love because I’d never been hurt by someone posing to love me. Another tidbit that my father taught us was that genuine love didn’t hurt. Did that mean that the people who truly loved you or you loved were perfect? No. It did mean that they would make conscience efforts to not hurt you.

Her pussy tightened around me, pulling a hiss from me.Pregnant pussy is the fucking devil.We were certainly having more than one child. Her rainfall started to come down. Myhand moved from her neck to her hip to hold her in place. I thrusted up into her vigorously. Moments later, my dick drained into her. “Fuck!”

“I love you,” Jin cooed. She bounced a few more times on me before she climbed off to lie next to me. “You want to take a shower with me?”

I leaned over and kissed her lips. “Yeah, get it started. I’ll be in there in a second.”

She climbed out of the bed, then headed to the shower. The meeting with her father and brothers was tomorrow. It was guaranteed to be interesting, to say the least.

What happened to Dindi was still under wraps; however, Hades had no quarrels about putting out there that Cory was a rapist. It was funny that the second that started to circulate, women started coming forward with allegations of his sexual assault against them. They claimed that he threatened them and their family if they ever told anyone. From what had been said, it was well over ten women, some who were Kings’ Kitties.I wonder how his precious mother is handling that.

Jennifer made it no secret that she favored her son Cory over AJ and Jason. When there were club events that were open to the public and other clubs, she openly cooed over Cory and paid her other two sons no mind. Cory ate that shit up. I didn’t judge him for that because a mother’s love was something special. It was clear something in Jennifer and Cory’s relationship dysfunction was detrimental enough to turn him into a rapist.


“Hades, don’t come in here and act crazy off the jump. Cool yourheels,” my father reprimanded him.

We stood outside of ourBasil Leaf Lounge, waiting for Aaron and his two sons to arrive. Poseidon had important meetings of his own, so he opted not to attend with us. Hades woke up this morning ready for war, and my father wasn’t on that. It was said best by Sun Tzu inArt of War, according to our father, “He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight.”

Hades leaned against his bike, smoking a blunt. That was the best thing that he could do because he was the most laid-back when he was lifted. “Bampá, kaneís den prókeitai na ta válei me aftés tis skýles (Daddy, no one is going to mess with those bitches.)”

“I’ve heard habitual liars sound more convincing, Bro,” I said with a titter.

Hades knew that his ass was going to show his ass for at least ten minutes. It was in his nature. When our block got sprayed, the K.O.K lost a lot of their people that day. We also lost three of our own. That fucked with Hades more than anyone because as our enforcer, he felt that he slipped in some way that day.

Seconds later, three bikes slowly rolled into the parking lot. Hades, my father, and I pulled our guns to hold at our sides. You could never be too sure. The three riders stopped across from us, turned their motorcycles off, then took off their helmets. Aaron, AJ, and Jason wore scowls, which was understandable. I did kill their rapist ass brother.

“Kronos, thank you for meeting with us,” Aaron greeted after he dismounted his bike and walked over to my father. He extended his hand for a shake, and my father accepted it. “You know my sons, AJ and Jason.”

Both of his sons moved forward to begrudgingly offer their hands as a greeting.I guess their father had the don’t be an ass conversation with them too.My father accepted their hands as well before he instructed us to all follow him into the building.

We all sat at a tall table before Hades asked if anyone wanted drinks. After getting the drink requested, he walked over to the bar to make the drinks. No conversation took place until he came back. After he sat down, we all took a few sips, before Aaron got into it.

“Kronos, I’m trying to understand what happened that caused your son to take my damn son from me. I’ve never known the K.O.K and the Mount O to have beef. This claim of my son being a rapist is reproachable beyond belief. I’ve never known y’all to frivolously start wars.”

The pain in his voice almost made me feel remorseful for killing his son. Welp, that passed rather quickly. My father’s gaze fell on me before it went back to Aaron. “A fact and a claim are two different things. It is a fact that your son was a rapist.”

AJ jumped up from his seat. “My brother wasn’t a fucking rapist, bitch. Why the fuck we talking and not killin?—”

“Dead brother’s bitch, say what?”

Hades had his gun between AJ’s eyes. Aaron and Jason jumped up to pull their guns. They pointed them at my brother.

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” I said from my seat. “We would want you all to go to hell with bullet holes in your head to match your rapist ass brother. A real family affair.”

They looked at each other to see the red dots that decorated their foreheads before they looked up to see where they came from. Arke and Meliseus were posted, ready for anything. Hades pulled his gun back with a sinister laugh, then holstered it. Aaron and Jason holstered theirs next. It was only then that the red dots disappeared.

“Now, can we all have some decorum. Let’s sit and talk.” My father’s demeanor was cool, calm, and collected. He sipped his beer with his eyes on everyone. Once everyone sat, my father nodded his head toward me.

I leaned forward onto the table. “I figured that it would be a hard thing to hear about your son, especially without evidence. In no way do I want to see this shit again, but I know that you need to see why your son is no longer living.”

Aaron and his sons gawked at me with a bewildered expression. I glanced up to the balcony where Teckne sat. When I gave her the nod, the three televisions closest to us came on. There was no need to set up the video. They would know what it was from the moment it started.