My face tightened to match my eyes. “What the hell are you talking about? I’ve never gotten any updates about my daughter. When did she email me?”
“I already told you when, and updates were definitely sent. If I were you, I’d have a little conversation with wifey.” Zeus shifted in his seat before he took a sip of his beer. “Look, to you it may be fucked up that your son died. I feel no way about it because I will always protect my woman and my unborn child. I’m sure by now you’ve heard about his ways from other females, so I did society a fuckin’ favor.”
I felt fucked up because he was right. Since the funeral, it’d been a nightmare. Women had come out with stories of my son sexually assaulting them. Some of those women were Kitties. I didn’t want to believe the shit, but it was hard not to when I found video tapes of said assaults. I didn’t tell my sons or wife about it. I just destroyed the tapes.
Could I really blame this man for protecting his woman, my daughter and apparently grandchild? This shit was messed up.What was more messed up was that when I got home, I knew that I had some digging to do. If I found what I thought I might find, I would nut the hell up.
“Wow! We have a big sister that we didn’t know about. Did Mom know?” AJ asked. After I nodded, he shook his head with a chuckle. “I wish I could say that I’m surprised. I have a sister that my brother tried to rape because my mother made him think that she was your side bitch.”
Hades guffawed. “That’s exactly what happened.” He turned his eyes to me. “Dude, outside of my sister-in-law’s mother, you suck at picking women.”
Yes, I did.
After we left the lounge, I took a minute to gather my mind. I wanted to be alone in my apartment. It’d been almost two weeks, and I’d been stuck the entire time. How did my life come to this shit? Bad, immature decisions, that was how. I couldn’t blame Jennifer because I was my own man.
I didn’t have to marry her, regardless of her pregnancy. I didn’t have to cheat on Harmony and make her feel less than. Most of all, I should have fought for my daughter when her aunt took her to California. I could have visited, called, something!Fuck!
Jennifer had yet to sign the divorce papers. Every day, she popped her silly ass up over here, wanting to talk. The couple of times that I did let her in, it turned into her trying to suck or fuck me. This woman was pregnant with another man’s baby but was trying to fuck me. I told her ass to not speak to me unless it was to tell me that she signed those papers.
Now, it would be me to go to her.Wait, Zeus said that Dindi sent me emails.I went into my office and turned on my computer. Once it was on, I pulled up my emails. I searched for my daughter’s name, but nothing came up. I checked the spam folder, and there was nothing there. I flopped back into my desk chair.
Would she know my personal email address?I didn’t think that I had it out there for public consumption.My business email address!That was an email that was out there for public consumption. That was an email that I never checked because my assistant controlled that email. My assistant was Jennifer.
I pulled up the email account. The first thing I did was change the password so Jennifer would no longer have access to it. Once I got into the inbox, I searched for emails from Dindi. My heart dropped when some came up. They were in the deleted folder. I pulled up the last email that was available. It came a week after her grand opening.
I get it now. You really want nothing to do with me. There was a part of me that wanted to believe that it was all some kind of grief thing. My mother died and I reminded you too much of her. Perhaps it was a, I’m deaf thing. You just didn’t know how to handle taking care of a deaf child. I get that to an extent. It all hurts the same.
At this point you probably think that I’m some crazy, stalker girl. I’ve sent you almost fifty emails with no response. Hint taken and message received. I probably should have taken the hint when your stupid wife assaulted me. You will never hear from me again.
My blood pressure was through the roof, I was sure. That bitch deleted emails from my fucking daughter. I got out of myseat, went to the front of the apartment, grabbed my bike keys, and was out the door. That bitch had to see me.
My apartment was only about fifteen minutes from the house on a bike at normal speed. I cut it down to nine. I used my key to get into the house. “Jennifer! Jennifer!”
Seconds later, she came running down the stairs. “Aaron, what’s wrong? Is something wrong with my boys?”
“You deleted emails from my fucking daughter?”
She stopped at the foot of the stairs. “Wha-what are you talking about?”
“Stop the bullshit. When you delete emails, make sure you empty the deleted folder. What the fuck is wrong with your stupid ass?” I asked in a calm voice. I was beyond tired of her.
Her chest puffed out. She stuck her hip out before she crossed her arms over her breasts. “Yes, I deleted those shits because she shouldn’t have been emailing you. I told the bitch to get lost at Drag the Streets. She should have listened. Wait, silly me. Her ass is deaf!”
I pinched the bridge of my nose with my head down. This bitch was begging for a reunion with our son. “Jennifer, I’m going to ask you once and once only. Have you ever received letters or anything from California about my daughter? I promise if you lie, I will go against myself and light your ass up.”
I’d never put my hands on a woman before. Right now, I questioned if she was a woman because no real woman would do this shit. Jealousy and envy mixed together was a dangerous thing. My best friend, Reap, used to tell me that all the time. He died when we were in our thirties.
With a smirk, she responded, “I did get letters for about three years straight, then when she turned ten, sixteen, when she graduated high school, college, and got her first Grammy. You didn’t need her. You had a family to attend to.”
“Bitch! She is my fucking family. Her, AJ, Jason, and Cory’s rapist ass.”
She slapped me across my face. “Don’t you ever call my son a fucking rapist! He was not a rap?—”
“That fucka was a rapist! I saw the surveillance of his ass trying to rape his fucking sister. You know what else I saw and heard? I heard him say that you sent him there to kill my fucking daughter.” I paused to observe her body language. “You’re such a pathetic bitch that you couldn’t even take my daughter being in my life? You’re the worst kind of bitch there is, a desperate, vindictive, dumb bitch.”