Ren’s face slowly became red. He was going to blow, but I didn’t care.
“Please, Pet.” Asher’s eyes widened earnestly. “We need your help. Jax is unresponsive.”
“He’s deep in his mind. He thinks you’re dead,” Tobias interjected. “He’s suffering.” It was a slap to the face. My lip warbled, but I quickly stiffened it.
“He’s not my problem. None of you are my problem,” I ripped the words out from the hurt balled inside me.
I gritted my teeth.
“I’m going to fuck the tantrum out of?—”
“No,” Tobias cut off Ren.
Ren and I stayed glaring at each other. He bristled.
“We’re done forcing you, Catalina,” Tobias said it like he was pissed. I laughed.
“She’s fucking laughing now?” Ren snarled out.
Tobias shoved open the door and held it for me.
“What are you doing!” Asher shouted.
“We are not disrespecting her desires any longer.” I jumped out of the car. The sound of shuffling came from behind me, but I took another few steps.
“Please,” Asher croaked. I slowed. “Don’t leave us.” Another pause. “Don’t leave me.” The raw whisper reached deep into my chest.
I took another step away and clenched my hands. I could disappear. Leave them behind . . . I wanted to. Then why couldn’t I move my feet?
Their faces rifled before my closed eyelids. I didn’t doubt that they cared for me. It was never that. It was the kowtowing to Imogen. I slowly turned to look at them. Every inch of them strained. Ren steadily stared at me—waiting. Tobias had his back to me, his shoulders tight.
“I did wrong by you. By our Coven,” Tobias said. “I should have taken Imogen somewhere else as soon as she arrived.”
“You should have,” I managed to push from my tight throat. An ant crawled across the cement, a piece of food in its mandibles as it struggled up the incline.
“Do not blame everyone else for my mistake.” Tobias paused. “If you order me to, I will leave Crimson Coven.” I whipped my head toward him, but he still had his back to me, so, so stiff.
“You should have told me Sire’s can order their Progeny and force them to obey.”
“An oversight. I would apologize for that, but you will never be placed in such a situation again.”
“Have some sympathy for us. We have not navigated being a human or human emotions since we were one,” Ren said.
“Sympathy? That’s funny coming from you.”
Ren scowled and leaned against the car. Their please filled my head, mingling with guilt. Jax thought I was dead?
I sighed and slid into the backseat. Ren took a seat on my other side, forcibly scooting me to the middle seat. I tried to elbow him, but he dodged it. Asher clapped Tobias on the shoulder, and it jolted him to life. Asher went to the passenger side while Tobias slid into the driver seat. He pulled away from the curb.
“I left the car over there.” I pointed at the vehicle as we passed it.
“You wrecked the—” Asher cut himself off and groaned. His phone was already out, fingers flashing over it. “Talia will drop it off later.”
I shrugged.
“I’m staying on a trial basis.” They didn’t respond to that. I scooted to the left to get some space from Ren, but he was once again flushed to my side once I managed to get distance. “You need to apologize to me.”
“For what?” he grunted.