“Are you serious?” I scoffed. Asher’s head whipped back and forth as he followed our argument. “How about being a dick, throwing me around, almost draining me,burning my stuff?”
“No, I don’t feel apologetic about burning down your house. It brought you closer to me.” What a twisted load of bullshit. He was always like this: unrepentant, demanding, casually cruel. The burn in my gums became unbearable. I lunged, sinking my teeth into his arm.
He hissed, but all that faded away as I sucked in a mouthful of the sweet blood. On the first swallow, the fire in my gums and belly abated. My knees perched on the edge of the seat, while I held his arm to my mouth. I’d moved so fast that I struggled to comprehend it.
There was no resistance from him. I dragged in another pull of blood. Nectar filled my mouth, and a moan hummed in my throat. Warmth flooded my system, settling in my belly. My eyelids lowered and I floated on a cloud of bliss. On my next swallow, I breathed in, taking in his scent.
Ren groaned, his palm settling on the back of my head to keep me to his arm. He didn’t need to force me into it. I wanted to drink my fill.
“What the fuck is this?” Ren croaked, and his hips shifted. “Being bitten shouldn’t feel like this.” His words were veiled behind a muffled curtain. I breathed again so I could taste him at full capacity. A throb pulsed through me. Heat flowed through my veins. Maddening lust. I pulled up, yanking my fangs from his arm. The wound continued to leak. I sank my fingers into his hair as I tossed my leg over him to straddle his waist.
I pressed myself so tightly against him that my front was flush to his and I struck again, sinking my fangs into his throat. The layer of skin gave under the sharp incisors with a satisfyingpop. He jolted up, driving his hips up, so his cock ground against me with the layer of jeans between us. Blood flowed into mymouth. I settled on the bulge, my hands slid over his body, traveling between us.
I slipped my finger into the waistband of his jeans. With a quick jerk, I ripped the seam. His cock bobbed free, the wet tip grazing my hand. I wanted him in me. Now. I yanked at the hem of my pants and a rip traveled down the side. With a quick jerk, my bottom half was bare. Pulling free of his throat, I hoisted myself up to perch on his tip, staring down at his parted lips. His eyelids were lowered so much that I only saw a sliver of his brown eyes.
Ripping clothes was definitely simpler as a vampire. I hovered above him, his tip pulsating at my entrance. Blood trickled from his bite wounds, but I especially liked the one at his throat.
Their biting kink was really beginning to make sense. I was mesmerized by the blood slowly traveling down his neck. I licked my lips and leaned down to tongue the droplet before it bloomed into his shirt.
Ren hissed a breath out. He tasted so good, and I loved his sounds. His thighs tensed. Before he could beat me to it, I sank onto his shaft. He eased inside me. My channel fluttered around him, clasping onto him. I moaned and nuzzled my nose into his throat. I inhaled, savoring him, then sank my fangs in again. This time, much gentler. He grunted, jolting his hips upward to drive inside me.
A burst of blood filled my mouth, and I hummed, attached to his throat. I moved my hips in a gyrating grind on him while drinking him. He muttered nonsensically and it was music to my ears. Lust was a breathing, living thing inside me and he fed it so easily.
I slid my fingers into his hair, tugging at the strands and scratching my nails into his scalp as I gripped strands. I didn’t let up grinding on him. His cock filled me up, prodding at my cervixwith each writhe. Ren jerked under me, the thrusts as uneven and frantic as mine. I drank more from him. Liquid spread on my tongue, and I drank every bit of it. I lapped my tongue against the bite wounds and Ren hissed.
He took hold of my hips and slammed me down. Again and again until the steady rhythm of our flesh meeting filled the car. Fire blazed through my sex and the growing sparks exploded. I cried out against his throat. My hips moved frantically. As if my body had a mind of its own. Ren shouted and his throat vibrated against my lips.
“Yes,” Ren hissed. He pounded into me so hard.
I cried out with each demanding thrust, and it threw me over the edge.
My channel gripped him greedily—draining him. His release warmed my core. He jutted his hips upward again, releasing more into me. I wound my arms around his head, riding out the wave of pleasure.
Orgasms were already phenomenal, but holy shit, this sensation wrecked me, like every nerve ending had been set aflame. Electrical pulses shocked my system. The sudden passionate swell abated, like the lull of the receding ocean.
I went limp in his arms. Ren petted my spine, running his hand from the top of my head down to the small of my back.
The burn had been satiated.
I wiggled on top of him. We were so wet. I pushed up and a gush of moisture dripped down the insides of my thighs.
“Clean me off,” he said gruffly. His hand wrapped around my neck and guided me down. My knees settled on the floor of the car and Ren spread his legs. His shaft glistened with our mingled need.
I wanted his cock in my mouth. Wrapping my hand around the thick base, I smoothed my hand over the steel shaft, glidingit up and down the wetness. The tip pulsed, red and straining. I leaned forward and ran my tongue across the little hole at the tip of the mushroom head.
His taste filled my mouth. The same sweet and salty taste mingled with another taste. Mine. I hummed with him in my mouth.
Ren groaned and I peeked up at him to see his face slack jawed as he stared down at me. His eyelashes pointed downward, so they seemed longer from this angle. Cleaning the rest of the liquid from his tip, my fang grazed against his shaft.
I shied away, but he forced my head back down.
“Bite me,” he ordered.
I widened my eyes up at him. That sounded like it would hurt.
“Bite m—” I angled my head slightly and sank my fang into the shaft. This time, there was no pop. His blood flooded my mouth, and I curled my hands into fists at his thighs. I sucked, drawing more blood into me.