Ren lifted his hands, as if he were turning himself over. But that stupid godforsaken grin didn’t leave his face. Before I threw myself at him, I cinched my eyes closed. This was much more aggressive than I’d ever been. I didn’t like it, but my God, they brought it out of me. I went limp in Asher’s arms and when he softened, I pulled free, smacking his roaming hands away.
“Catalina,” Tobias snapped from the car, sounding more cross than I’d ever heard him. I clamped my mouth shut and glared at all of them with my arms crossed. “In the vehicle.”
“No,” I said stubbornly and began to walk.
“Pet,” Asher snapped. I yanked my arm away before he grabbed it.
Alistair watched with a smirk on his face. I took a beat, breathing in through my nose before I could remind myself not to. Sweet, sweet blood.
Blood flowed in their veins. The one they stole from others to keep alive, but there must be some chemical change when it goes into vampire bodies, because human blood wasn’t delicious like vampire blood. My body tensed to spring.
I gritted my teeth. I could do this. Stay still.Stay!
I flung myself at Alistair, the closest vampire. My fangs burned to sink into his throat. I bunched his jacket and hauled him down. His throat wasright there.
Hands plucked me away from him. Thrashing, I managed to land a headbutt backwards. Whoever held me grunted. I flailed toward Alistair, but he was already feet away from me. I turned my attention to the arm around my belly. Shoving at it was useless.
“Ren, let me go!” He continued dragging me to the SUV parked at the curb.
“Shh, Pet, you’re calling too much attention to us.”
“Had she been trying to feed on me?” Alistair’s eyebrows raised.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Asher scoffed from somewhere behind me. I was too busy pushing against the edges of the car. My arms were spread, braced against the open door, while my feet braced against the bottom edge.
“In. Now,” Ren snarled in my ear. He swept my legs out from under me and shoved me in, face first. Tobias caught me before I face planted.
Ren swatted my ass. I yelped more from the shock than it hurting. Ren pushed his way in, making me crowd against Tobias who curled his arm around my torso.
“Don’t,” I bit out, pulling from his arms and plopping down on my butt with my arms crossed. Asher slipped into thepassenger seat and turned to look over the middle console. “You’re not going to be able to keep me forever. I’ll fight you, and this time, I’ll hold my own.”
Silence as they all exchanged looks. Tobias sighed. He was likely listening to their thoughts.
“I’ll kill Peter if you try,” Ren said, so casually. Of course they would threaten Peter. That was how they got me to do what they wanted last time.
“I’ll kill myself,” I gritted my teeth, holding his gaze. He stiffened. “I’ll slide something right through my heart. Be nothing more than dust.”
No smugness in sight. I had him. I raised an eyebrow. “Stop threatening my brother.”
His lips thinned. A beat, then another passed.
“Fine,” he hissed.
“Fine,” I hissed back, my fangs popped out in the same breath.
Ren’s tense face relaxed, and he gripped the back of my neck, pulling me to his lips.
“You have no right being this sexy.”
I smacked my palm on his face and used it to push back from him. He gawked at me, but I only crossed my arms again.
“We need you,” Tobias murmured. I didn’t turn to look at him. Every time I did, I thought of Imogen.
“You seem fine without me.” The corner of my lips twitched. “Why don’t you go look after Imogen, if youneedsomeone.” Tobias stiffened beside me.
“You are the one we want.” I slowly turned to look up at Ren. I forced myself to look unimpressed.
“Words. Words. Words. From you guys, it means nothing.”