Page 26 of The Ozar Triad

She couldn’t run around topless. She tugged open the second drawer.

“Bingo.” She ruffled through the contents until she found a smaller-sized vest and shrugged it on. She located the toggles and pulled. The vest shrank to her shape. “Fastest way of dressing I’ve ever come across.”

The last drawer revealed items of clothing she couldn’t name so she left it. She also needed shoes. Couldn’t escape without good footwear. To her surprise, her boots—hercleanboots—were neatly set against a wall.

“I’ll be damned. Clean and tidy men falling over themselves to give a woman orgasms as well as cleaning her clothing. Now IknowI’m not on Earth.”

Her heart tripped. She felt a panic attack coming on. She held her breath until her lungs were tight and uncomfortable and then slowly let it out between her teeth, easing off the strain in her chest until it became less like a cage and more like mere bones again.

A little shaky, she grabbed her boots, sat on the bed, and made quick work of lacing them up. Next, she needed a weapon. She spotted a slim outline of a door, cut into the otherwise sleek wall. She approached it and then followed the groove with her fingertips, trying to work it open. It didn’t give.

“Oh, come on!” She shoved against the wall. There was a soft hiss, and the door came forward and moved to the side.

Inside, weapons of all shapes and sizes lined the cavity. Some she recognized. Some she didn’t. Swords. Guns. Knives. Now she knew where they got all the equipment they wore like articles of clothing.

“Men after my own heart,” she murmured.

She spied an evil-looking sword. The blade glinted in the light, almost hypnotizing her with its sharpness. Her hand hovered over it right before she palmed the handle. It was beautiful, and lethal. Something to be responsible for. She didn’t want to have to use it against any of them, though. She didn’t want to hurt them. She just wanted to get away.

She closed the door and faced the room, looking for another option of escape.

Her attention snapped to a shelf near the head of the bed. Or what wasonthe shelf in particular.

The numbing device. She knew how nicely it worked. As a defensive weapon, it would do just fine, and it wouldn’t harm anyone. It would be just enough to stop a massive man-mountain in his tracks. Exactly what she needed.

She hurried over to it and plucked it up. “Come to mama.”

She turned it over in her hands, locating the on and off switch. She pressed it. The end lit up with the evil little blue light. She felt armed.

It was a good feeling.

The bed tilted. Or rather the whole room tilted. For the first time, she noticed the slight vibrations beneath her feet, the slight compensations her body worked for balance.

They were moving! Probably taking her to this Homeland they seemed so intent on going to.

She needed to stay in the space port. If she was brought in there, she would find a way out there as well, even if she had to stowaway in a craft. She had the skills. Someone had to be going to Earth. Surely.

Gripping the numbing device, she strode to the wall where she’d seen the brothers come in. Where was the fucking door out of this room?

She played her hand on the wall, tapping and stroking. Nothing. How did they make the damn thing open?

The room listed to one side. She fell on her butt, sliding across the room to the bed where she ended with the covers flopping over her. The room tilted upright again. There was a shriek and the craft shuddered.

What the hell was happening? Who the hell was trying to fly this thing, anyway?

Orgasms, it seemed they could do. Fly a craft? Not so good.

Just great.

She scrambled back to her feet and pounded on the wall. If the door wouldn’t open for her, she’d damn well make it. There was another violent shudder and parts of the wall disintegrated before her eyes. The next thing she knew, she was face to face with Klaej.

He jerked to a halt, his brows rising up high on his forehead. “Mate? You’re awake?”

“You bet I am.” She thrust the device into his eight pack and pressed the switch.

The blue light did its job and Klaej collapsed to the floor like a ton of man-mountain.

She winced with the thud. “Sorry big guy, but I’ve gotta get back home.”