Page 27 of The Ozar Triad


She paused as she stepped over him. “The name’s Riley.”

“Riley. Use the Corrective on me. Please. You’re in danger,” Klaej said.

He looked so concerned for her, she might almost think it was real, but she knew the real nature of people, and they were selfish. She’d learned that firsthand the hard way. No way was she going back to beingthatnaïve again. She knelt, tracing the lean length of his hard jaw, marveling at how much his skin felt like suede beneath her touch.

“I know I’m in danger. From you. That’s why I have to go.”

She couldn’t help the strange pull that made her bend down and catch his lips with hers, or the way she thrust her tongue into his mouth for one last taste.

When she moved back, she was tugged into his gaze. To the urgency and worry in his eyes.

“You don’t know what you’re doing,” he said, voice hoarse.

Her mouth twisted into a cynical line. “I know exactly what I’m doing. Your mistake was underestimating me. I told you I was a soldier, but what I didn’t say was that I’m a damn good one.”

There was another shudder and an ear-shattering shriek thundered about her. She cringed, putting her hands to her ears. The craft tilted and Klaej’s nerveless body slid across the corridor.

She flew over to him, covering him with her body. The breath whooshed out of her as her back slammed into the wall and Klaej’s inert body squashed her. She’d saved him from a few bruises, the least she could do since she’d rendered him helpless.

“Mate!” Klaej grimaced. “Are you hurt?”

She struggled out from the small space she was trapped in. She winced as she gently prodded her ribs. Pain flared beneath her touch and when she filled her lungs, white hot pain made her lightheaded. Looked like her ribs hadn’t fared too well.

“To be expected,” she said, steadying her breathing as much as she could.

A breeze ruffled her hair. A crack of light streamed through a door on the wall of the corridor outside.

The jolt must have opened it. How handy.

This was her chance.

She gave Klaej another peck. There was no time for kissing, despite an instinctive urge for more. An uncomfortable knot formed in her stomach as she wiggled up and over his body. She straddled him, his hardness pressed against the core of her body, and she almost groaned out loud. Lust boiled up inside her, achy, needy, white-hot and instinctive.

She shuddered and gave in to her urges. She lay over the top of him and thrust her tongue into his mouth. He tasted so good. So tempting.

Limbs trembling as she forced herself to move, she pushed against his chest and resolutely stood up. She had to go before one of the others came looking for them.

“Goodbye, Klaej. It’s been… interesting. Say goodbye to the others for me, can you?”

His skin morphed from emerald to the most stunning crimson as her gaze skittered over his body. Her heart hammered in her chest. Every cell in her body screamed at her to stay at his side. To seek Rujali and Setzan. To have the completeness of all four of them.

She eyed the door.

Utter nonsense.

His features twisted as though in pain, his eyes full of terror, “Mate. Don’t go. You don’t know what you’re doing.”

She sent him a lopsided grin that felt more like a grimace. She tucked the device into his waistband, despite it being her weapon. She was resourceful. She’d find something else. She didn’t want him helpless for longer than he had to be. “I’m sorry I did this to you. Hopefully one of the others will come soon, but I have to get home. You have to understand.”

“Your home is with us.”

“I’m so sorry, Klaej.”

Funny how that had a ring of truth of it. She had to be delirious.

She stood, making her body move almost against her will. She took one long last look at him before she forced herself to the door.