Page 25 of The Ozar Triad

Then, she was tipped onto her hands and knees and Setzan nestled between her thighs from behind, his face buried into her cleft. His nose pressed against her rosebud as he devoured her.

The last orgasm hadn’t finished before another erupted inside her. Her limbs gave out and she dropped to her face. It was only Setzan’s fingers on her hips that kept her up.

She wailed into the blankets, fingers clawing as she exploded from within, her mind and body gripped in the arms of the most powerful orgasm she’d ever experienced. A golden cloud eased into her mind and she was filled with a love so absolute it took her breath away.

It was too much. Too potent. Tooeverything. It all was. Everything that had happened to her of late. When oblivion reached for her, she gratefully eased into the gentle warmth and let herself pass out.

They’d brought her to such heights and she barely knew them at all. She was never the sort to come to hands and knees because of a man, unless it was on her terms. But these weren’t men. They were aliens. Skillful beings, intent on her pleasure, it seemed. They subdued her without any effort. She’d allowed them to be intimate with her body and she’d welcomed it despite the panic of her situation. They’d captured her, held her hostage and then paid homage to her body.

She had to keep her mind sharp because it was clear her body wasn’t under her control. She needed to get the hell away before they continued to seduce her, because she was afraid that her mind would soon follow the path of her body, and she’d lose her only chance of escape.

Chapter Ten


Riley swept up from the depths of an all-consuming sleep. She never slept that deep. It didn’t pay in her line of work. She was a keep-one-eye-open type of sleeper.

She bolted upright, hoping like hell she hadn’t missed reveille. She was in a shit ton of crap if she had. She threw the covers back, went to open her small wardrobe door, and stopped.

Her wardrobe wasn’t there. She wasn’t in her room on base.

Her mind replayed recent events. Fuck. Shit. Crap.

She staggered backwards and onto the comfortable, massive bed she’d woken up on. It was large enough for three of those massive, muscle-bound—and sexy-as-hell—aliens… plus her, her brain prompted to amend.

Those same aliens that had given her shattering orgasm after shattering orgasm in order tocalmher. The same aliens who had made love to her as though she was the most precious person in the universe.

She didn’t think they would treat her like that for nefarious purposes—apart from total seduction. If they wanted something else, it was strange they would try to romance it from her. No. How they’d treated her, how they’d made sure she reached pleasure, weren’t the actions of men who took that sort of thing from women. They were big and strong and outnumbered her enough to take what they wanted if they chose to.

Instead, she’d felt… cherished. She didn’t quite know what to do with that realization, so she did the thing she usually did and shoved the thought aside. At least she could still move. Thank fuck.

So, they weren’t going to leave her a quadriplegic again. They could. So easily. It was a great way to control someone. She knew a multitude of people who would kill to have that tech.

The brothers might actually have good intentions at heart for her. Good to know.

That was something she could use against them. She ignored the little stab in her heart that told her that maybe they reallycouldbe trusted, and that she actually might need a friend or two, given she didn’t know where in the universe she was.

Shut up, brain.

She needed to think.

She was still in Rujali’s bedroom. They wouldn’t have left her here if they didn’t want a repeat performance of last night. A little thrill ran through her. She wondered what Klaej would feel like inside her. And how Setzan would make love to her. If Rujali would use his cock as well as his tongue and talented fingers. Although they’d made love, they hadn’t penetrated her. They had been more concerned with her pleasure, of which she’d received a lot. She couldn’t quite reconcile it.

What would it feel like if she had all three at the same time? It would be so wrong on so many levels, and yet the most natural thing in the world. She shook her head, trying to dislodge the thought.

That wasn’t going to happen. Ever. Strange how that thought left her feeling cold. For some reason, it seemed sorightto be here, in their bed, waiting for all three of them. But her mind couldn’t be trusted. She was obviously suffering from PTSD. Well, if being abducted onto an alien world and coming face to face with not just one type, but many species of aliens wasn’t enough to send her a little bit loopy, then nothing was.

And why the hell was she attracted tothreemen at all! She hadn’t stopped to think of that, had she? She’d been involved in a ménage or two, but those had been an on-the-fly type of thing. One night. A bit of fun to let off some steam. Nothing permanent.

But here she was, equally attracted to three men with more than a slam-bam basis.

She took a deep, steeling breath.

First things first. She needed to get out of enemy territory. Right after she found some clothes.

Spying a chest of some sort against the wall at the far end of the bed, she crossed to it and opened the top drawer which yielded various sets of leather pants. She grabbed the smallest pair and drew them on. They were so big they fell right off her. There were ties at the waist above her hips, which she pulled. In the fraction of a second, the material shrank and conformed to her legs.

“Toto, we’re not in Kansas anymore,” she muttered.