Page 177 of Daddy, Sir

“Ah, well.” The girl suddenly looked wary, which he might have felt guilty about under different circumstances. “It’s just a rumor, but supposedly the club has been running some kind of online auction. For like, kinky scenes and stuff.”

“It’s not a rumor.” This from Ivy, of all people, who looked like she was wishing the floor would open up and swallow her whole. “Mistress Rogue’s last client paid fifty grand for a scene with her. Cordelia and I have made some decent money in it, as well.”

For a moment, he could only stare at sweet, fairy-like little Ivy as she confessed to having sold herself off in some kinky sex auction. What the hell was Braden up to? “I see.”

“I heard about it, too,” Vivian piped up, excitement glittering in her eyes like she’d just been waiting for a chance to spill the tea. “Kinda wish I hadn’t already gotten my cherry popped. I heard some girl got paid like four hundred thousand for hers.”

“Wonder if I could fake being a virgin.”

At Frankie’s musing, Holden turned to glare at her. “Absolutely the fuck not, Francesca. If I hear a single word about you anywhere near that auction, you will regret it.”

Apparently feeling emboldened by her new comrades, Frankie jerked her chin up. “You’re not the boss of me.”

Oh, how he wanted nothing more than to wrap a hand around her throat. To watch her eyes go wide as she realized how easily he could hurt her, if he was so inclined. To remind her that he was her Daddy, and he absolutelywasthe boss of her.

But he held back. They needed to talk. Needed to get some ground rules in place before he showed her the true depths of his depravity. “Vivian, would you mind calling Braden and asking about that pass, please? Maybe he can hurry things along since Martin’s hands are obviously tied.”

“Um, yes, Sir.” Picking up the phone, she dialed Braden’s extension. “Hello, Sir. Master Holden is here with his guest and he… yes, Sir. Martin said his part of the background check is done; he’s just waiting for your review.” She paused to listen, flashing a smile at Holden. “Absolutely, Sir. I’ll send them up.”

Returning the phone to its cradle, she beamed up at them. “He said to go ahead and let you in. Well, actually, he said ‘If I can’t trust Holden, I can’t fucking trust anybody. Let him in.’”

Apparently owning a security firm and having a reputation as a hardass who always followed the rules had its benefits. “Thank you, Vivian.”

“Of course, Sir. Enjoy your evening.”

Putting all thoughts of sex auctions and other illicit activities out of his mind, he placed a hand at the small of Frankie’s back, gently nudging her toward the stairs. “Come on, little siren. We have a lot to discuss.”

Chapter Six


The moment they stepped through the doors, she was met with the sounds of sex and depravity. Pausing on the steps, she craned her neck to get a better view of what was happening below her, but there was too much going on all at once for her to really take it in.


Steel rippled beneath Holden’s tone, and she tore her eyes away from the scenes below her to pout up at him. “But Daddy, I wanna see.”

“You can see after dinner.”

Immovable. That was the first word that sprang to mind when she took in his stony expression. Instinct told her that no amount of pouting or whining was going to get her what she wanted.

It was not a feeling she was well acquainted with.

For the first time, doubt began to slither through her mind, dark little clouds of it that threatened to overshadow thehappiness and excitement she’d been riding high on ever since she’d met him.

What if she wasn’t cut out to be a submissive after all? Sure, she enjoyed being dominated by him in bed, but she was headstrong and stubborn. Too stubborn for her own good, according to her parents.

Wouldn’t a man like him, a man who got off on being in charge, prefer someone who could actually do as she was told without a fight?

Shoving aside those uncomfortable thoughts for later, she sighed quietly and turned to resume her trek up the stairs. “Yes, Daddy.”

“Good girl.”

Ugh, she hated how much she enjoyed those two words and the low, growly way he said them. On the other hand, maybe her enjoyment of them meant she was actually cut out for this after all.

God this was all so much more confusing than she’d expected it to be.

They took a seat at a corner booth, far away from the few other patrons sitting and chatting in the gorgeous restaurant area of the club. No sooner were they seated than a gorgeous blonde strode over. “Evening, Holden. I see you brought a guest.”