Page 178 of Daddy, Sir

Where the other women had seemed to defer to Holden, this woman didn’t. And there was a different… vibe about her, Frankie decided as she watched the interaction.

“Cordelia, this is Frankie. My guest for the evening and the foreseeable future.”

“I see.” Interest sparkled in the blonde’s stunningly green eyes. “I see you already have wine, so I’ll bring you both some water to go with it. And I’ll leave you alone until you’re ready to order?”

The latter was framed as a question, clearly directed at Holden, who nodded. “I’ll signal when we’re ready. But would you mind bringing us a survey with the water?”

“Of course. I’ll be right back.”

“What kind of survey?” Frankie asked, sipping at her forgotten wine in an attempt to quell the nerves jittering in her stomach.

“It’s a survey for you to figure out what you might be interested in and what’s absolutely off the table. It is as comprehensive a list as I’ve ever seen, so it will be a bit overwhelming at first. But you don’t have to decide on everything tonight. We’ll take it slow, try out some things you’re excited for first and go from there.”

Before she could quiz him further, Cordelia returned with the promised glasses of water and a stack of papers that had those nerves in Frankie’s stomach going haywire.

How many ways could there possibly be to get kinky?

“Here you go.” Cordelia placed the survey in front of Frankie with a wink. “Have fun, kids. But not too much fun. Unless you’re into that.”

What the hell was that supposed to mean?

Swallowing a large gulp of her wine, Frankie flipped through the introductory paragraphs to the list. And nearly choked at how many different ways there apparently were to get kinky.

“I don’t even know what half of thesemean.”

“Then ignore those for now. We’ll stick to the basics and work our way up to some of the more interesting offerings.”

“Uh-huh.” Thankfully, the list kicked right off with things she understood like kissing and oral. All of which she was fine with. Even anal, though it had never been her favorite thing and she couldn’t quite imagine taking Holden’s thick cockthere.

Toys, sure. Edging… she wasn’t sure what that was, but since it was in the same section as orgasm denial and orgasmcontrol, she could take an educated guess. “What’s post-orgasm torture?”

A smirk tugged at Holden’s lips. “That’s when you’re so sensitive after an orgasm that being touched feels like torture.”

She cocked a brow. “So, basically what you did to me last night when you made me come like a hundred times even when I was begging you to stop?”

“Exactly like that.” To her surprise, he actually looked a little guilty. “I got a bit carried away with you, and I’m sorry for that. It won’t happen again.”

“Eh, I liked it. No harm, no foul.”

“There could have been.” His voice had gone from playful and teasing to deadly serious in a heartbeat. “Some of the things I enjoy, Frankie, they aren’t for everyone. And the last thing I want is to actually harm you. So we’re going to take it slow and we’rebothgoing to respect your limits from this point forward. Which means you have to take this seriously and you have to be honest with me. Am I making myself clear, Francesca?”

“Yes, Daddy.” Tilting her head to the side, she studied him. “What if I decide calling you Daddy and being spanked are hard limits?”

“You are allowed to put anything you want on your hard limits. Though I can’t deny it will be a disappointment never to hear you call me Daddy again. Or to watch your ass turn that lovely shade of red under my palm.”

“But you like those things. And you’re in charge. Shouldn’t I want to do them if that’s what you like?” Wasn’t that how this whole thing worked? She was the submissive, he was the Dom, so he made the rules. He had the final say in what she could or couldn’t do.


Wrong, judging by the way Holden’s expression hardened. “No. You should never do something that you’d consider a hardlimit just because I, or any other Dom, enjoys it. Your limits are your limits and they are meant to be honored, no matter what.”

Some of the knots in her stomach unraveled, even as the doubt lingered. “But some of this stuff… I don’t even know what it is. How can I know if something is a limit if I haven’t even tried it before?”

“Trust your gut. If we discuss something that you have an immediate ‘No’ reaction to, mark it down as a hard limit. If you’re unsure, mark it down as a ‘Maybe’. We can go through the maybes together and discuss them in further detail. And if you still want to try them, we can. Or I can find you someone in the club to give you a demonstration if it’s something I’m not trained in, such as fire play.”

“Fire? People get set on fire here?”

He chuckled, a low, amused sound that sent the butterflies in her stomach dancing. “That’s not exactly how it works. You’d have to watch it in action to understand, really. The next time there’s a demonstration here or another club within driving distance, I’ll take you if you want.”