Page 176 of Daddy, Sir

“As often as I can. But it’s not hard, really, considering she resents my very existence.”

It was said so easily, he nearly missed the hurt rippling beneath the words. “I’m sorry to hear that.”

Lifting one slender shoulder in a practiced gesture of nonchalance, she turned back to the paintings. “It is what it is. Did they say how much longer it will be before we’re allowed in?”

“I’m not sure. But someone is supposed to be bringing us some wine while we wait.”

As if on cue, a soft voice spoke his name. “Master Holden?”

Turning, he smiled down at Ivy, one of the servers from upstairs. “Are those for us?”

“Um, yes. Viv asked me to bring them down for you and your guest.”

“Thank you, Ivy. I appreciate your service.”

Pink blossomed on Ivy’s cheeks. “Thank you, Sir.”

Turning on her heel, she hurried over to the receptionist desk, where she and Vivian immediately struck up a hushed, animated conversation.

Now what was that all about?

Ignoring them for the time being, he turned and handed Frankie one of the glasses. “I hope you like red. I should have asked first.”

“I like just about anything that has alcohol in it,” she said with a laugh. Her eyes fluttered closed as she sipped at the wine, and she let out a low sigh. “But this is gorgeous. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“So… what happens when they finally let me in?”

“Tonight, we’ll go upstairs and enjoy a nice dinner while you and I discuss your boundaries and limits. Then, if you’re feeling up to it, we can go down to the pit and watch a scene or two.”

“Aw.” Her bottom lip puffed out. “What if I want to, what’s it called? Do a scene with you?”

“Not tonight. You have research to do before we scene.” Research he should have had her do well before he’d ever laid a hand on her. But it was too late for self-recriminations, no matter how many lines he’d already crossed.

Frankie slowly raised a single eyebrow. “Even though you’ve already spanked me and dicked me down into a mattress so hard I’m still sore nearly twenty-four hours later?”

Because her thoughts so perfectly mirrored his own, he couldn’t really hold it against her. “Yes, little girl. And unless you want me to change my mind and ensure your first public scene is a punishment you won’t forget, I suggest you stop arguing with me about it.”

A lovely little blush stole across her cheeks, but he didn’t miss the way her pupils darkened at the threat of a public punishment. “Yes, Daddy.”

“Good girl.” Pulling her close, he pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Come on, let’s go see if that guest pass is ready yet.”

Wrapping an arm around her waist, he guided her back over to the reception desk, where Ivy was still whispering with Vivian. Both straightened up when they spotted him, and if he wasn’t mistaken, Ivy actually looked a little guilty.

“Sorry, Master Holden. Still no word,” Vivian said before he’d even gotten a chance to ask.

“Seriously? And you really don’t know what’s taking so long?”

“No, Sir.”

“I do!” A server Holden didn’t recognize popped up seemingly out of nowhere, a mischievous grin stretched across her face. “It’s because of the auction.”

Every instinct he had suddenly went on high alert. “What auction?”

“You know, the auction.” The brunette rolled her eyes. “You know. The sex auction.”

“What fucking sex auction?” He’d never heard of such a thing, not at Club BDE. The only reason he even had a membership here was because he’d personally and thoroughly vetted the club and its owners.