A minute later, he lets out a breath so he can give us an update. “I found a yacht just offshore. By its wake, it looked like it was heading toward your marina, then changed course right before I started tracking it. It’s heading back out to sea, but I’ll stay on it. Geek Squad, got any info on the tags?”
“We’re still working on it, they have pretty tight security. Way too tight for a casual cruiser. Chen said he’s seen a similar firewall system before…” Ava trails off.
“When?” I ask, afraid I already know.
“At your penthouse… Guys, I think we just found our boat,” she says. And I don’t even have time to be excited about that, because I hear the unmistakable sound of an approaching engine.
I turn, looking back to find the truck coming up behind us,fast,followed by a second vehicle. These bikes weren’t designed for speed, so they can’t outrun them for long. Which means we’re fucked.
“It’s time to get off the road,” I say. Sebastian and Leena both glance back, assessing our shitty situation.
“Yeah, fuck this. Fisher? We’re gonna need a quick lift. Heading back your way now,” Sebastian says, signaling for us to take the next left. He turns, and Leena follows close behind.
I stare.
The sight of her ass in those black leggings as she leans forward to hug the corner makes my cock twitch involuntarily before I tell it to pipe the fuck down. Once we’re out of this and safe, then I will give it permission to think about how our woman looks with this much horsepower between her legs.
How Sebastian looks.
The road takes us along the coast, and the three of us weave in and out of traffic, putting us ahead of our pursuers for the time being, but not by much. My stomach sinks when the cars ahead slowly begin to clear. Soon, there won’t be anything between us and them. Nothing preventing them from firing on us, or running us the fuck over. The bikes are fast, but it’s too dangerous to push our speed any more than we already are. All it would take is one rogue pothole for it to all be over.
Sebastian’s right,fuck this.It’s time to go.
“Fisher!” I shout into the radio.
“On your right, boss!” Colton says, and I turn to see the helicopter flying parallel alongside us over the water. The nose of the chopper tips inland, until the three of us are looking up, watching it travel with us directly overhead.
“Uber for Herman?” Colton says, and I burst out laughing.
Sebastian’s clearly unamused by the use of his middle name, which is precisely why we like to use it. I chuckle at how Leena grumbles about how we’re joking around.
“Bite me, Fisher!” Sebastian snaps.
“Well alright, but only since you asked so nicely.”
I’m smiling when the traffic clears and Sebastian and I move into position, riding alongside Leena with her between us.
I smile even wider when Colton drops a cable with a single harness. It drags through the air out in front of us.
“Um… guys? What the fuck is the plan here?” Leena freaks out.
“Don’t worry, sugar. We’ve done this before.” Sebastian glances over at her, then tips his helmeted chin toward me.
“Done what?!” she says, looking between us frantically.
I nod to him, then glance behind us, finding the two vehicles have made it out of the traffic and are coming up on us fast.Shit.I’m going to have to do something about that.
I speed up so I’m directly under the cable. It’s still too high up to reach, but I’m not about to ask Colton to fly lower over a couple of feet.
I gotta impress my girl, after all.
Sebastian may be a better driver when we’re in a vehicle, but I’ve been on a bike since before I was even tall enough to touch the ground on one.
I smile. This is my fucking territory.