Page 140 of The Heart


We cannot be doing what I think we’re about to do.

There’s no fucking way. There has to be a better way.

Anyother way. Anything at all.

If they think I’m about to leave the comfort of my motorcycle to swing on a fucking string below a helicopter, they are deeply mistaken.

I watch Luke pull forward just enough so he’s directly beneath the cable.

No, no, no. I don’t like this.

Well, I do like seeing Luke on a bike. I enjoy seeing both of them on one, actually. There’s just something about a man on a motorcycle, and then there’smymen on motorcycles. Watching how well all those muscles handle them like this? As much as I would probably enjoy being plastered to one of their backs on one right now, I’m happy to be over here so I can appreciate the view properly.

My heart races as I watch Luke study the harness above him. It’s way too high up for him to reach, which means Colton will have to–

I let out a panicked gasp as... Luke. Stands. Up.

Holy fucking shit.

My heart nearly falls out of my chest as I watch the love of my fucking life stand on the seat of a moving motorcycle.

Reaching up, he grabs hold of the swinging cable. Then he wraps the strap around his waist in that casual way of his, buckling it and making sure it’s secure. He’s as relaxed as if he were doing this standing on the fucking ground.

But he’s not.

He’s standing on a goddamn motorcycle.

“Show off,” I hear Sebastian grumble, but his complaining doesn’t hide the clear amusement and adoration in his voice. And that pisses me off too. He should be more freaked out by this, more… upset. That’s the love of his life too, and this is fucking insane.

They’refucking insane.

On top of my utter panic and exasperation, I’m also dealing with how my brain is involuntarily lingering on how the wind is blowing Luke’s shirt against his toned body, outlining every muscle.

Luke pulls his weight up on the cable, then turns completely around so he has one foot on the seat, the other between the handlebars. He glances at me and I have absolutely no doubt there’s a smirk under that helmet.

Maybe Sebastian and Colton will help me wipe it off his face later.

And at that thought, my eyes flicker down to where his shirt is now flying up, no longer covering those damn Adonis lines that are guiding my eyes straight to the place I should not be staring at right fucking now.

“Fisher, lift off in three… two… one…” Luke says, and on his mark, he’s being hoisted into the air faster than I can blink. My eyes track him, then shoot back to where his bike is now jammed under the front bumper of the vehicle behind us. The nose of the truck launches up into the air, causing it to barrel roll off the side of the fucking road.

The sound of screeching tires, buckling metal and breaking glass behind me is deafening.

The other car manages to swerve around the mess, barely avoiding the collision and staying on track behind us.

I focus my eyes back on the road ahead, then glance over at Sebastian, making sure he’s okay and that I’m still matching the speed he’s setting. And fuck me if that tourist shirt he’s wearing doesn’t do anything to hide the muscles beneath it either.

Then I hear Luke laughing.

They’re all laughing, actually.

“Fuck yeah-ha! Nice fucking shot, Campbell!” Colton laughs out.

“Thanks for the fucking lift, man!” Luke says, and I can hear the smile in his tone.

Sebastian is still laughing.