Page 61 of Becoming Super

CHAPTER 24 – Axel

Anger was rolling offof Stanos in waves. It was obvious that he hadn’t expected us, nor the chaos that we brought with us. I could feel Sarah crackling next to me; the energy from her outburst hadn’t worn off. Honestly, a good fucking was what she needed, but it didn’t look like that was in the near future.

I had a fleeting thought about Zack, wondering how he was getting on with Chloe.

“Why would you bring these outsiders into my city?” Stanos hissed at Kat.

“We were in trouble, there was a sandstorm. It wasn’t expected, or we wouldn’t have traveled at all, Uncle.”

He only grunted.

“I don’t understand why our weather has been so off lately. The storms seem to be getting worse and worse,” Kat continued babbling.

Stanos raised a hand, “Enough, I have contacted your mother and she did not authorize a visit.”

Sarah bristled. “Kat is your niece and was in danger. Are you saying that she should have risked her life in the storm because she didn’t call first? What kind of fucked up shit is this?”

Stanos turned dark eyes on Sarah. “You do not understand our ways, human.”

The way he said it made me regret ever calling Sarah by that name. It was derogatory in the extreme. I went to leave my seat, but Sarah placed a hand on my arm.

“I should be very careful who you choose to insult,” Sarah said icily.

The man didn’t even flinch., “Or you will murder me like you did my people at supper?”

Sarah’s grip on my arm tightened and I let her have the floor.

“Your people, as you call them, are all subjects of Seron and therefore abide by the policies and codes set forth by The Intergalactic Alliance. The people who raised their arms to hurt us today were in direct violation of those policies and codes and will be treated like traitors. Shall we add your name to the list?”

Sarah had balls. I almost wanted to stand and cheer, but at the risk of losing any manly credit I still possessed, I kept my ass in the seat and merely watched as she ripped Stanos a new asshole.

“Word has already been sent to The Head Commander about what has happened here,” Sarah went on. “I should think that you would be scrambling to try and figure out how to save face with the council and not threaten its warriors.”

Stanos looked like he was being forced to eat shit.

And he didn’t like it.

“And you owe your niece an apology for being a straight up dickhead.”

His face turned an ugly shade of purple. “I do beg your pardon.”

Kat looked at her uncle with wide eyes. Never before had she heard him apologize to anyone—ever.

“You caught us unaware, but the storm has settled, and it would be best if you left for the capital.”

I felt good about that and was ready to get back on the aircraft. But with Sarah, nothing is ever that simple.

“We need answers first.”

His eyes narrowed. “You have no warrant.”

She smiled; it was dangerously deceptive. For instance, with her small stature and white blonde hair, one might assume that she was being amiable.

Obviously, that would be the farthest thing away from Sarah’s true personality.

“The warrant will be here shortly. We have been tasked to stay and observe that nothing changes until they arrive.”

Stanos shot to his feet. “Are you implying that my people would try and cover something up? How dare you speak to me that way?”