I raised a brow. “Everyone down at supper was in a different form. I would say there is a major cover-up. You know it and I know it. Soon the council will know it as well.”
Stanos jerked up and stormed from the room. We heard the distinct clicking of a lock bolting us in.
Sarah grinned. “That’s so cute that he thinks we can’t get through a locked door.”
Kat bit her lip. “It’s almost two feet thick of reinforced steel. It won’t be easy getting out of here.”
Sarah rolled her eyes, “Laser vision, hello...”
Kat smirked. “Oh yeah!”
“How did you get word to The Head Commander?” Heath asked.
Sarah looked over at him, “Hm? Oh, I didn’t. That was a bluff.”
My grin widened as Heath’s frown grew.
“Then what was that all about?” Confusion was on his face.
“Something is going on here, I feel it in my gut. Stanos didn’t even bat an eye when we backed him into a corner. But he did flinch when Kat mentioned that the weather has gotten decidedly worse. I think they are doing something here that is causing it and Stanos is scared we will uncover it.”
“So, you think he meant for his people to attack us?” Heath asked.
“Absolutely,” Sarah responded. “If it’s something large enough to risk his niece's life as well as three warriors for The Intergalactic Council, it’s got to be bad. I think we are on the cusp of figuring out the problem with the plants. Kat how far do these storms go?”
She blinked. “They are fast and far reaching, sometimes sweeping over half or more of the crops in Seron.”
Sarah nodded, “That makes sense. If they are able to release something into the air with the storms, it could get into the soil and the people could carry it into the greenhouses. Has there been anyone else that has gotten sick like your mother, Kat?”
She shook her head. “I don’t know.”
“You are brilliant,” I said, standing and pulling Sarah against me.
Heath grunted, “Get a room,” while Kat averted her eyes.
I grinned down at Sarah, who was eyeing me rather saucily in return. “You are fucking hot when you take down the bad guy.”
She laughed, “Why thank you. You are fucking hot all the time.”
I grinned. “Yes, I really am.”
“Look, we need to devise a plan and get the hell out of here,” Heath grumbled.
Reluctantly, I let Sarah go, but only because the younger man was right.
Annoying as fuck, but right.
It was decided that Kat would shift into something that would allow her to creep under the door, from there; when she let us out, Kat and Sarah would go straight to the ship and radio The Head Commander, while Heath andI did a little reconnaissance mission.
Kat shifted into a beetle scuttling across the floor and went under the door in seconds.
We heard the click of the lock indicating that she was back in her normal form. Racing to the door, I stopped before exiting and kissed Sarah hard on the mouth.
“In case I die, I love you.” As far as life and death declarations it wasn’t half bad.
Sarah kissed me back and bit my lip. “Don’t fucking die, I will never forgive you.”
Hers was better.
Then she smiled. “I love you too.”
We flew out of the room and out into the corridor. There weren’t any guards in the first hallway, but they began to swarm the moment the alarm was sounded. I could only hope that Sarah and Kat were able to make it back to the aircraft and signal The Head Commander.
Without him, I was positive we weren’t coming out of this alive.