“You are a cock-sucker!”
Axel blinked, “Huh?”
Grabbing Kat’s hand, I gave it an encouraging squeeze. I would get him back for teasing me about the Seronian facial anatomy later. We had bigger fish to fry.
“You don’t ask a lady about what she does in the bathroom, Axel. Trust me, there are some things that are better off if we don’t talk about them.”
Axel looked ready to argue, but Heath made a disgusted face. “Yuck, I don’t want to know.”
I smiled benignly at Heath. “Smart man.”
The green-eyed man cleared his throat, “If you are ready?”
Again, we followed him down another corridor that opened into a large eating area. It reminded me of a high school cafeteria. There were tables from one end of the room to the other. The people were grabbing a tray and filling it with food before going and sitting in groups of three or four.
“Please enjoy some supper and I will come and get you when Stanos is ready.”
We turned to thank the green-eyed man and then got in line behind several others who were already waiting.
“I don’t like this,” Axel whispered into my ear.
I didn’t either. There were far too many people with green eyes in the cafeteria. Kat was glued to my arm and Heath stood on the other side of her. There wasn’t as much animosity as we felt out in the fields, but something was off here.
When our turn came to grab a tray, we did and then picked up some food. Almost everything was vegetarian with a side of gravy that didn’t look appetizing. However, it wasn’t bad for taste and I found that by the time my meal was finished I was feeling much better. Maybe I had just been hungry after all?
I had begun to relax a little when I started listening in on the conversations around us.
“The rich bitch sits there like she owns the place.”
Another said, “They think we are stupid, plowing the fields and tending the crops while they sit in the capital in their comfortable homes.”
The first voice sneered, “They will get what is coming to them.”
I felt Axel stiffen beside me.
Kat and Heath were talking and laughing with each other, so I looked over at Axel.
His jaw was set, and his eyes bored into mine. I could sense his urgency and felt the same as well, but I had no idea what to do.
Again, I looked around the room. Bright green eyes stared back at me from every person in the room. We were in enemy territory. They knew it and we knew it.
Kat and Heath’s conversation came to a halt when they realized that the room had gone quiet. I reached out and took Axel’s hand in mine. We stood and picked up our trays, without saying a word we walked toward the kitchen window where the garbage bins were, and the trays went back to be washed.
I felt like their eyes were burning holes in our backs and wondered fleetingly if this is something like how it felt when I burned Axel and Zack. It wasn’t a nice feeling. I suppose I should have expected the first strike to come. It wasn’t like we hadn’t had ample warning, but when Axel crumpled beside me, almost dragging me down with him, I stumbled. It was unexpected, and I needed a minute to get my bearings.
Power radiated through my body and I whipped around to face the angry crowd.
They were yelling things at me, but it was oddly still because I couldn’t hear what they were saying. All I heard was the gentle rasp of Axel’s breathing letting me know that he was still alive. Whoever did this was going to pay, I would make sure of it.
When the first wave of enemies approached us, I picked up a table and threw it into them sending them sprawling like bowling pins that had been knocked to the ground. The second wave came, and someone raised some kind of gun, but I shot them down with my eyes, not caring about their screams of pain.
They had hurt Axel; I would not tolerate that.
Some of the enemies began to flee, running and screaming for their lives. Others tried to attack, and each person that lifted a hand against me fell. I didn’t need to lay a finger on any of them. But then I saw the man that had called Kat a rich bitch. I punched the mother fucker right in the nose. My hand burned from the pain, but it was worth it. I had never tolerated shit said about my friends, and I wasn’t going to start now.
The doors opened and a man of fifty years or so entered. “Stop!”
I turned to take him out, but Kat ran and threw herself into the man’s arms.
“Uncle Stanos! They attacked us!”
The man she called Uncle Stanos was dark with, eyes that bordered on black and a swarthy complexion. He motioned for his men to pick up Axel and then ordered others to arrest those that were still alive and were part of the revolt.
With a wave of his hand, he ushered us to another part of their mountain home.