“Anyhow,” he went on, “We have to act like everything is normal. There were just too many coincidences; that the Seronians knew right where we were, and then when we were returning. It makes one wonder if we have a mole in the crew or if this was a set-up from the beginning. And no, we aren’t just leaving the human there. What kind of monsters do you take us for?”
I launched myself into Axel's arms, peppering his face with kisses. “And then we can go blow up the death star?”
“And then we can go assess the situation and make intelligent and informed decisions that will benefit all living kind,” he amended.
“That’s just what I said.” I kissed him again and then raced over to where he had the remote. I handed it to him and began to strip out of my uniform.
“Why do I need this?” his face was a mask of confusion.
“I am about to blow your world. I don’t want anyone to miss it!”
Axel threw his head back and laughed before grabbing me and blowing my world instead.