Page 42 of Becoming Super

“How long will we be here?” I asked watching his face closely.

Axel shrugged, “Until we get reassigned.”

“That doesn’t work for me. We need to get back and rescue that human from Queen Neopia.”

Maria’s eyes widened, and she got up. “I had best go look for the Captain. Good to see you two.”

I scowled at Axel. “You scared her away.”

He scoffed at me, “Hardly, she was worried the insanity might rub off. The last thing Maria or I want is to go back into Neopia’s clutches.”

“But you can’t just leave that girl there, Axel. That isn’t okay.”

He sighed and then leaned in close. “If I tell you someone is working on it will you let the matter go?”

“Depends on who,” I said stubbornly. “If you say that Zack is working on it then I won’t believe you. He’s the one who ditched her in the first place.”

“We were saving your life!” Axel demanded.

“Yeah, but not at the expense of someone else. I can’t live with that, Axel.”

His eyes softened, and he sighed, “It worries me that you are beginning to make sense.”

A small smile broke through. “Yeah, well, we can work on our friendship bracelets later. I need to know what the plan is to save the human girl.”

Axel glanced around and then put a finger to his lips indicating that I needed to shut the fuck up.

“We are staying in the Omega Quadrant to help settle the unrest. No more questions.”

I blinked. “You are an ass-hat.”

To my surprise, he grinned but didn’t retaliate. Instead, Axel picked me up and started stalking for the door. My brows knit together but I allowed him to take me. Mostly because he smelled so stinking incredible that I liked being close to him. And there was also the fact that when we were touching all my senses were in overdrive.

It was like a warm fuzzy feeling, times a thousand.

When we got back to our pod he set me down and I went to open my mouth, but once again Axel put his finger against my lips. He went into his bag and pulled out something that looked like a television remote. He pressed a few buttons and a purple light came shooting out of the end, coating every surface in our sleeping pod.

“We can now speak without being overheard.”

I gaped. “Who is listening in?”

Axel shrugged, “Most likely Sergeant Broom, perhaps the Seronians, can’t be too sure.”

“Were they always listening in?” my voice was rising.

“Most likely; something has been wrong since we arrived. We had to make sure that they didn’t suspect we were on to them.”

“Axel, what about when we were fucking? Were they listening then?”

He grinned, “I would have been.”

“Yeah, but you are a nasty pervert,” I retorted.

He smiled blandly. “With your sex books I should think you would like a little exhibitionism.”

I smacked him. “They aren’t sex books!”

Axel just laughed, and I seriously considered writing something nasty in his skin with my laser eyes. He saw that my hands had started to glow and immediately sobered.