Page 44 of Becoming Super

CHAPTER 17 – Axel

“The planet of Seronis comprised of poor villages and farms with one main city as the hub of their industry. They are primarily known for their shapeshifting abilities, but it is also common knowledge that they produce a high quantity of alcoholic beverages that are sold throughout the galaxy.”

Sarah snorted. “Shapeshifters who make moonshine?”

Zack’s lips pursed. “Yes. However, for the most part, it has been legal transactions. In recent months there have been rumors of a poorer quality product. Zeron is just one of the planets that have pulled Seron’s rights to sell on their planet. Subsequently, five other planets have followed suit and Seron is retaliating.”

“How many have pulled out in total?” I asked.

“Eleven,” Zack responded.

Sarah sucked in a breath, “How many were they selling in, to begin with?”

“Twenty-five,” Zack looked back down at his reports. “But Zeron is by far the largest distributor to pull out.”

“Is there any way to tell that you are dealing with a shapeshifter?”

It was a good question, one that I wished I had a better answer to.

“No, Sarah, they take on every aspect and nuance of whomever they have chosen. It isn’t permanent; they can shift into something else immediately. But as we saw with the attack on our ship, if they are killed in the shifted form it takes about twenty-four hours before their body will revert back to its original form.”

“Do we know anyone who comes from that planet? You said that we could have a mole on the crew. Do you think that someone is impersonating someone else or that they empathize with their home planet?”

Zack looked at Sarah with respect. “All good theories. We are not aware of anyone in our crew that is originally from Seron. But the truth is that our planets were once sister stars. Zeron and Seron hovered very near each other for centuries. Seron was knocked from its orbit by a massive band of asteroids and floated until it came to rest in its current location. The nearest planet is still Zeron, but we have lived in peace from the beginning.”

“What is the official word from the Seronians?” I rubbed the scruff on my chin absentmindedly. “Surely they have made a statement?”

Zack nodded. “They have, supposedly it was a band of rogues that stole the aircraft and attacked us.”

“You can’t believe that.” My tone was incredulous.

Zack shook his head. “Not a chance.”

“We need evidence; their plans or someone who can testify of their wrongdoing.” Sarah stood for a moment to walk around the room. “What if we went to Seron, undercover, and found that evidence?”

“How could you fool a planet of shapeshifters that you were anything other than what you are?” Zack’s eyes were intent on Sarah.

“We don’t try to fool them,” she said simply. “We go in as who we are, saying that we are emissaries of The Intergalactic Council that want to help get their trade up and going again. Is that too far off from something that you would do?”

I considered this. “No, we are here to keep the peace; it wouldn’t be unusual to send guards and warriors with others if they were going in to help the Seronians. We would need their permission, of course. What do you think, Zack?”

He bit his lip, staring hard at the plans and then back at Sarah and me. “I think it just might work. We need to take a smaller ship, while mine is still being fixed. We could leave the majority of the crew to here to appease Sergeant Brooms. If the Head Commander decrees we go, there is nothing that anyone can say about it.”

Sarah frowned, “Who is The Head Commander?”

Zack grinned. “My dad.”

“HEY, MARIA! WHAT’Sup, Heath? Are you guys ready to blow up the death star?” Sarah had been bouncing off the walls all morning.

I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder. “Ignore her, she’s not used to our coffee yet.”

“Axel!” Sarah pounded on my back, so I swatted her ass, “Damn it, Asshole Axel, I want more coffee!”

“Are we about ready?” I asked, ignoring the bundle over my shoulder.

Maria and Heath nodded with wide eyes.

“I’m going to bite your ass, Thor!”