“Cinderella rushed down the stairs to show her stepmother the gown she’d made.”
Gwen spoke up. “Maybe you should skip the next page. Her stepmom and sisters are mean.”
Tessica glanced around the group. “Let’s see a show of hands. Who thinks I should skip the next page?”
Everyone raised their hands.
“Okay.” She turned the book toward herself to check the next couple of pages. Once she saw the fairy godmother, she turned the book back around. “Is this better?”
“Much better,” Gwen said.
Tessica saw movement on the outskirts of her reading circle and looked up to see if someone wanted to join. Connor Doyle stared back at her. Tessica froze. Her eyes opened wide, and her face flushed with so much heat, she was certain she had to be bright pink. Her stomach clenched and churned, and her breath came in shallow puffs.
“Mommy Tessica?” Gwen asked.
‘This can’t be happening’,danced inside her head on repeat. She’d kept this part of her life meticulously separate from her ‘real life’ for so long, that the thought of them mingling made her want to vomit.
“Mommy Tessica?” Gwen asked again, sounding panicked. “Are you okay?”
Tessica opened her mouth, but nothing came out except shallow breaths.
Connor’s shocked expression morphed into one of reassurance in seconds. “She’s okay, she’s just surprised to see me.”
Gwen glared over her shoulder. “Who are you?”
Tessica’s mothering instincts kicked in automatically through her panic. “Ask nicely, Gwen.”
With much less attitude, Gwen said, “I’m Gwen. What’s your name?”
“I’m Connor.” He gestured to a Black man in his early thirties who stood next to him. “And this is my friend, Brian. Nice to meet you, Gwen. We read about the club’s Littles’ Night and decided to come check it out.”
Gwen frowned suspiciously. “Are you Dominants?”
“We are,” Connor answered. “I’m a Daddy Dom, and Brian is mostly here for moral support, but he’s got some Daddy Dom tendencies.”
Gwen nodded seriously and turned her attention back to Tessica.
Tessica finally managed to drag a full breath of air into her lungs. Her entire body grew warm, and her stomach stopped lurching. Even though the adrenaline still coursed through her body, her initial panic receded after hearing Connor’s words. He wasn’t at the club by accident. Life as she knew it wasn’t over in the blink of an eye.
She was still trying to get her wits about her when Paul stepped up to Connor and Brian, and held out his hand. “Hi, I’m Paul. I own this club.”
Connor shook his hand. “Nice to meet you, Paul. I’m Connor, and this is…”
“Brian,” Paul supplied for him. “I almost didn’t recognize you. I’ve never seen you here on Littles’ night.”
“True, BDSM night is more my thing.” Brian patted Connor’s shoulder. “I’m here to support my friend.”
“I see. Well I’m glad you guys could make it.” Paul turned to Tessica. “Everything all right?”
Tessica quickly nodded, embarrassed that she had caused enough of a scene to make Paul come over and check on her. “Yes, of course. Everything’s fine. I just know Connor outside the club scene.”
“Ah,” Paul said. “It happens.” He stepped over the Littles to get to Tessica and held out his hand. “I’ll finish reading this. You go sort things out with Connor, and then come back when you’re ready.”
Several of the Littles groaned and whined.
“Oh, I don’t?—”
“Tessica,” Paul said sternly as he took the book out of her hand. “Go talk to Connor. That’s an order.”