She scanned the book titles as Gwen came to stand next to her. Gwen had changed out of her street clothes and into Winnie the Pooh pajamas.

“Aw, you look so cute,” Tessica cooed.

Gwen did a little twirl and beamed.

“Absolutely adorable.”

“Wait ‘till you see Susan!” Gwen clapped her hands and jumped up and down a couple of times.

Tessica chuckled, “Maybe you should have worn Tigger pajamas. You’re very bouncy.”

Gwen giggled and shook her head. “That wouldn’t work, Mommy.”

“No?” Tessica couldn’t help but smile every time Gwen decided to call her Mommy. They’d been playing together platonically for over a year, so even though they didn’t have a real dynamic between them, they were comfortable with titles.

Gwen glanced down the hall toward the bathrooms where she’d changed. “Wait a minute.” She dashed down the hall and knocked on one of the doors. It opened a crack, and Gwen squealed with glee and clapped her hands again. She reached an arm into the bathroom and pulled Susan out.

Tessica had to cover her mouth for a moment to get a hold of her laughter when she saw Susan in Piglet pajamas. By the time the girls were in front of her, she was in control.

“Look Mommy Tessica! We’re Piglet and Pooh!”

Tessica grinned at the odd couple. “You certainly are. You girls are perfect together. You look darling, Susan.”

“Thanks,” she answered softly.

Gwen wrapped an arm around Susan’s waist and pulled her close. “Even though Susan’s taller than me, and Piglet is smallerthan Pooh, Susan is more of a Piglet. A little bit afraid of the big wide world, but super brave when she’s with her best friend.”

“That’s lovely,” Tessica said. “Piglet and Pooh are the best of friends, just like you two. Those are the perfect outfits for tonight.”

Gwen frowned and let go of Susan. “Where’s your outfit, Mommy Tessica?”

“I don’t have one.”

Susan whispered something to Gwen. Gwen gasped and rushed over to the craft table.

“What are you two up to?” Tessica asked suspiciously.

Susan shrugged and bit her fingernail.

Tessica grasped Susan’s hand and pulled it away from her mouth. “None of that. You know better. Do you have your pacifier?”

Susan nodded, pulled it out of her pocket, and stuck it in her mouth.

“Good girl.”

Gwen came rushing back with a pair of Minnie Mouse ears in her hand. She handed them to Tessica. “Here you go. Now you’re not left out.”

“Oh, I see.” Tessica put the headband on so she had mouse ears with a pink polka- dot bow. “How do they look?”

“Perfect,” Gwen answered, and Susan nodded.

Tessica gestured to the bookshelf. “We have all new books tonight. Do you want to pick one out, or do you want to do something else first?”

Gwen and Susan exchanged a glance, and then Gwen answered for them. “One book. Then crafts, snacks, and back to books.”

“Okay.” Tessica sat in the chair by the bookshelf. “Susan, why don’t you pick first.”

An hour later, Tessica had a group of five Littles, including Susan and Gwen sitting in a circle around her. They all listened attentively while she read an abridged version of Cinderella. There were colorful pictures on each page so Tessica held the book open facing the Littles while she read.