Some of the Littles gasped, and all of them fell silent.

A whole new wave of embarrassment washed over Tessica. She bit her lip, gave Paul a curt nod, and focused on the Littles. “I’ll be back in a couple of minutes,” she reassured them. Then she stepped around the back of the bookcase and stood near Connor.

Connor glanced at Brian. “You don’t mind, do you?”

“Not at all.”

Connor gestured to the hallway with the bedrooms and bathrooms. “Let’s go talk in private.”

She nodded and followed him to one of the bedrooms. He gestured for her to go in first, and once they were both inside, he shut the door behind them.

“Please don’t tell anyone,” Tessica begged softly before he’d even made eye contact.

His eyes snapped to hers. “I would never out you.”

The sincerity of those words hit her chest. She put a hand over her heart, nodded, and tried to take a deep calming breath.

Connor walked up to her and put a gentle hand on her shoulder. “Never, Tessica. I swear.”

She nodded again. “I believe you.”

“How about we sit down before you pass out?” He gestured to the side of the bed.

“Pass out?” Tessica wasn’t seeing spots or feeling dizzy, but she was still having trouble taking a deep breath.

He guided her to the edge of the bed and nudged her shoulders down. She sat and he settled in next to her. Then he took one of her hands in his and held it on the bed between them.

She stared at their interlocked hands and blinked a few times.

“Just breathe with me for a second, and let yourself calm down.”

“I’m okay,” she said. “Really. It was?—”

“Nope.” Connor shook his head. “Breathe with me.”

Tessica scowled. She wasn’t some hapless Little in need of breathing lessons.

“Breathe in.” Connor gestured up with his free hand, and took a deep breath himself.

Sometimes it was easier to give in, rather than argue with a well-meaning Dominant, so she dutifully copied his breathing.

After several deep breaths, Tessica actually felt more like herself, but there was no way she’d admit that to him.

“Good.” Connor let go of her hand, clasped his hands in his lap. “So…”

“So…” she parroted back as she pulled her hand into her lap.

Connor opened his mouth, closed it, took another deep breath, and then opened his mouth again. “Okay. The way Isee it, we have two options. I can leave right now, and we can pretend this never happened, but I hate that option.”

She didn’t exactly hate the option, but since she was running a business out of his house, it was impossible not to see him or interact with him. And now that sheknewhe was kinky, she couldn’t un-know it. “What’s option two?” she asked.

“Come to dinner with me tomorrow night.”

“Dinner?” She couldn’t seem to formulate actual sentences.

“A real dinner in a restaurant. Something with seven courses, a quiet secluded booth where we can talk, and a lot of wine to help us both relax.”
