Page 26 of Derek

When Kate had first announced what was going to happen, Sonja had turned her head into Derek’s shoulder. He let her for a few moments, but now he reached up and moved her face toward the scene. “It’s not going to happen to you. That doesn’t change how hot it is. Have a look. Watch the expression on Yvonne’s face. See what she thinks about the scene.”

As instructed, Sonja focused on the sub’s face, and Derek was right. Yvonne had a few tears, but her expression changed with each blow. It didn’t take many before she appeared blissful, which meant she was in subspace.

While Sonja watched, Derek reached behind her neck and undid the strap holding her halter top up. With free access to her breasts, Derek started with gentle caresses then began teasing her nipples.

Sonja turned toward him and snapped, “Derek, not here.”

“Yes, here. You pointed out the halter top earlier. Clearly, the designer had breast play in mind. See how nice it feels when I caress you here,” Derek said as he ran his fingers lightly between her breasts, “and here.” He moved his hand to her right nipple, which was already erect, and tugged it gently.

“Oh, Sir, that feels so good.” Sonja hummed her approval, and he moved to her left breast and repeated his actions.

Meanwhile, she could hear Chris beg his mistress for permission to come.

“You can come anytime you want, sub. You just have to pay the price in denial later.” Kate reached between Chris and Yvonne and loosened the strap around his balls. She gave Yvonne’s clit a pinch while she was there, and they both came together on the next blow from Connor’s belt. “Now, look at that.It’s a tie. Two winners and two losers. What’s a Domme to do? I guess I get to have extra fun later, and these two can wait until next weekend for a chance to orgasm again.”

She turned to her subs and took Chris down while Connor did the same for Yvonne. They put the two of them together on the floor with a blanket, and Chris immediately moved to hold Yvonne, who was still deep in subspace. Kate started to put things away and clean, but Connor waved her away to take care of her charges while he cleaned up the area.

Sonja turned to Derek. “You’re right, Sir. That was really hot, but I don’t think I want to try it.”

“I would be shocked if you did, babygirl. The music has changed. How about that dance you wanted?”

“That would be great, Sir.” Sonja got up, and Derek followed, only stopping long enough to ensure Suzie was okay by herself, as Connor was still cleaning the equipment.

He took Sonja’s hand and moved them to an area of the floor where there was occasional dancing. Sonja started to re-tie her top, but Derek stopped her. “Your breasts are beautiful and I’m of a mind to share the sight of them with everyone tonight.”

Sonja made a sound of distaste but moved her hands away. Derek took her left hand in his right, and she put her right hand on his shoulder as he led her into a fast foxtrot to keep up withI’m Yoursby Jason Mraz.

Sonja was puffing hard when the song ended. “Could we take a break, Sir? I’m thirsty, and I need a chance to catch my breath.”

“Of course, baby.” He led her back into the lounge. At the bar, Peter had replaced Scott. “Water for me and for my babygirl here. In a glass, please.”

“Right away, sir.” Peter moved to the other end of the bar. Sonja felt sorry for the large man. He’d been a member of the club longer than she had without finding the mistress he longedfor. He’d had a crush on Kate for a while, but he wasn’t enough of a masochist for her. Kate seemed much happier since she had finally given in to her feelings for Chris, and they had found Yvonne almost at the same time.

Peter returned with their drinks, and Sonja had to stop herself from drinking hers in one big gulp. She took two instead. “Bring her another please, Peter,” Derek said. “I think we’ll call it a night after you finish your drink.”

“I think that’s a good idea, Sir.” Sonja maintained a smile as she spoke, but inside, she felt utterly exhausted. “If you don’t mind, I think I’d like to be by myself tonight.”

“Do you think you’re sober enough to drive, baby?”

“Yes, Sir. My drink was over two hours ago, and I didn’t miss a step when we were dancing.”

“Okay. You can drive home and spend the night alone on three conditions. First, you call me when you get home. Second, you text me when you go to bed, and again in the morning when you wake up, and third, no more of this breakup nonsense.”

She gave a half-chuckle. “Yes, Sir. I promise to stop thinking about you dumping me.” Sonja hoped he didn’t notice how she had weaseled around the idea of her ending the relationship. She needed to keep her options open. They parted at her car door, and Sonja breathed a sigh of relief that the evening was over.


On Sunday morning, Sonja texted Derek as instructed, and they had an enjoyable back and forth for almost an hour while Snuggles glued himself to her side. She eventually ended the texting by pleading that she had chores to do.

She spent the day cleaning her apartment. In addition to standard things like vacuuming, she took down all her curtains and the canopy and flounces from her bed to wash. She cleaned her kitchen and emptied her cabinets, washing them and their contents before replacing them. By the time she finished, it was after 6:00 PM, and she was exhausted. She was also starving, as she’d worked straight through lunch. Her fridge was practically empty because she’d been bringing home food from the café all week and hadn’t planned for the weekend. There was an easy solution, though—pizza.

As she had straightened her miscellaneous drawer that afternoon, the menu from the closest pizza place that delivered was right at hand. Her call made, she settled down to wait for her small pizza with pepperoni and every vegetable they offered except olives, which she couldn’t abide.

After pouring herself a glass of red wine, she sat down on her couch and put her feet up on her glass-topped coffee table towait for the food to arrive. She congratulated herself on all she had accomplished during the day. It was amazing how avoiding unpleasant thoughts could help her get so much done.

Now, the events of the night before and the day to come returned. She was still trying to process the notion that Derek intended to be with her even if she had cancer. What kind of man did that? Of course, her experience with men’s behavior in relationships was almost non-existent. She’d have to abandon that subject for now and think about something else, or she would find a way to turn it into something negative. She was left with the biopsy to consider. She wasn’t sure what to expect. They’d told her it shouldn’t take more than half an hour and she would only need a local anesthetic. That much, she remembered. There had been paperwork with details, but she had buried that on her desk at the office, hoping it would disappear.

In the middle of her ruminations, the buzzer rang, indicating her pizza’s arrival. The trip to the lobby broke her train of thought and she decided to find something on television when she got back upstairs. She brought a plate and a knife from the kitchen and served herself in the living room. She channel-surfed for a bit before landing on an old movie she had always enjoyed—Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers inThe Barkleys of Broadway. The interplay between the leads, especially when Fred was pretending to be her French director, giving Ginger advice over the phone, was delightful, and the dancing was outstanding.