“Good. Now pay close attention.” Derek put his hand under her chin. “I. Am. Not. Going. Anywhere. I Am. Not. Dumping. You.” He put his hands on both sides of her face as he continued. “You are stuck with me for the foreseeable future. Cancer or no cancer.”
“How can you be sure? You don’t know what it’s like. I’ll lose my hair. I’ll be throwing up all the time. Chemo is awful.”
“I am sure. Right now, you’re borrowing trouble. Stop it. You don’t know if you have cancer. I understand you’re trying to plan for the worst-case scenario, but me out of the picture isnotpart of that. I will be with you, whatever happens. You can’t get rid of me that easily. If you want to break up with me, you have to do it. You’re not going to get me to do it for you.”
“Okay.” Sonja’s tear-streaked face showed her relief. “What do you want to do now, Sir?”
“I’m going to get you a juice. I’d say we could dance, but not to the techno stuff they have on right now. How about we watch a scene? I think I saw Kate, Chris, and Yvonne go past a few minutes ago.”
“I need to go to the ladies’ room to clean up my face. Could I have water instead of juice, please, Sir?”
“Sure. Take your time, but I think you look beautiful with tear stains on your face.”
“Only a Dom would think that, Sir.” Sonja smiled through her tears. “I’ll be right back.”
Once in the ladies’ room mirror, Sonja could see her makeup was a mess. Her eyes were blotchy from crying, and her mascara made black lines down her cheeks where her tears had been. What she didn’t expect was her smile. Derek wouldn’t dump her. Sonja could break up with him if she wanted, but he wouldn’t do it for her. She’d think about their relationship later. Right now, she’d redo her makeup, and they could watch a scene.
When she and Derek entered the main room about ten minutes later, Yvonne was attached to an adjustable frame they hadn’t seen before. “I guess Mitch was paying attention to everyone telling him we needed more equipment in here,” Sonja said.
“Looks like fun, too,” Derek replied. “I could do a lot to you on an open frame like that.”
“There are Suzie and Connor. Can we go sit with them, please?”
“Sure.” They went to the couch closest to the scene, where Sonja’s business partners were sitting. “Mind if we join you?” Derek addressed Connor.
“Not at all. It’s always a pleasure to see you both,” Connor said from the couch. Suzie knelt on a cushion on the floor, leaning against her husband’s legs. “Ye can say hello, rùnag.”
“Hello, Derek. Hi, Sonja. That dress is gorgeous. Where did you find it?”
“At Wilma’s. Where else? Good evening, Captain.” Sonja was always polite to Suzie’s husband when they were at the club.
Derek sat down on the other end of the couch and pulled Sonja down into his lap. “Enough talk. We’re here to watch the scene.”
In addition to her bound arms, Yvonne stood on a small, raised platform with her legs spread wide and bound to the side poles. Kate was in a swivel chair directly in front of the naked Dutch girl while Chris stood next to Kate and leaned in to play with Yvonne’s breasts, alternating suckling each while pinching and fondling the other. Chris snapped his head up when Yvonne made a noise. Kate said something to him before swatting his ass then returned to her torture of Yvonne’s pussy. When Kate moved out of the way, shiny jewelry was visible, dangling from Yvonne’s labia. Kate told Chris to strip, and while he was doing that, she took a pair of clover clamps with matching stones and applied them to Yvonne’s nipples. Putting her palms over her breasts protectively, Sonja squeezed her legs together in sympathy for the younger woman’s pain.
“See something you’d like to try, babygirl?” Derek whispered in her ear.
She shook her head vigorously. “No, Sir.”
Derek chuckled. “I guess I’ll have to be satisfied with the jewel on the next size butt plug I got for you.”
Sonja shivered at the thought then returned her attention to the scene. Chris was standing facing Kate with his cock fully erect, waiting for instructions. She pulled another pair of nipple clamps from her pocket and teased his nipples before attachingthem. Chris was clearly struggling to stay quiet through the initial burst of pain. Then Kate sat down on her chair again and wrapped his balls in leather straps and hung weights from them. She topped off the contraption with a condom.
Derek whispered in her ear, “That’s a parachute. It stretches the balls and is supposed to make a man’s orgasm more intense.”
When Kate had Chris the way she wanted, she turned him toward Yvonne and had him move close to the masochist. When they were almost against each other, she took each of Chris’ hands and cuffed them to the bar next to Yvonne. Then she reached between them and inserted Chris’ cock into Yvonne’s pussy. Now, the need for the platform was clear. Chris could hardly stand straight with his cock in Yvonne if she were on the floor. “Don’t move, either one of you,” Kate said loudly enough to be heard by the audience. “I’ll take care of that part.” She turned toward the couch where Sonja and Derek were and signaled Connor. “Captain, would you join me now, please?”
Connor got up and turned to Suzie. “Why don’t you sit up here so you can see the action? Remember to be a good girl, and you might get a taste of the strap later.”
“Promises, promises,” Suzie said with a smirk.
Connor gave her nipple a quick, sharp twist that made her squeak. “If ye want the strap, ye need to behave.” He grabbed his toy bag and was with Kate in moments. They conferred too quietly for Sonja to hear then Connor pulled out a strap that matched Kate’s in thickness.
“Now, my pretties,” Kate said loudly enough for everyone to hear, “this is called whip-fucking. I’m going to whip Chris while Captain Connor does the same to Yvonne. The last one to come wins the prize. What prize, you ask? The privilege of going down on me later. The loser won’t get another orgasm for at least the next week.”
Laughter came from the audience, and the show began. Kate and Connor started slightly out of rhythm, but both quickly picked up the beat of the music so that they alternated strokes on and off the beat.