“And now that the paperwork is done”—like he’d done with Blake a short while earlier, he picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder—“How about we get our sexy on?” When all she could do was mewl as she attempted to tug his shirt out of his trousers, he chuckled as he skirted the couch on the way across the living room. “Babe, you’re whimpering.”

“Less talk, more action, Sir. Get me naked!”



By the time he reached the bed, his sassy submissive was naked as requested. Gordon tossed her onto the mattress and couldn’t help but remember tossing Lori there less than twenty-four hours earlier. Part of him wanted to just stand there and extend his thanks to whatever powers had seen fit to not only bring these women back into his life, but to gift him with a Little boy as well. But when Bev stopped bouncing and laid back then slowly slid her legs apart until he could see the paradise that awaited, it was his cock that was extending with the demand to be released.

Gordon had always found it somewhat magical to see the sheen of his submissive’s arousal peeking from between the lips of her sex. But what was utterly fascinating was watching a drop of her cream beginning to seep out as he toed off his shoes. That single drop captured his attention as surely as if a spotlight illuminated its presence. When he unbuckled his belt, it seemed to quiver for an instant before mimicking the movement of his zipper by beginning its slow slide toward her perineum. He absolutely adored the soft sound of a whimper when he left hispants on, the fly now open enough to let her know she hadn’t been the only one sans undies. He was thankful he’d chosen a button-down shirt so he’d not miss a single glimpse of that magical drop of dew as he pushed each button from its hole and shrugged the shirt off his shoulders. With only his trousers remaining, he watched the tip of Beverly’s tongue slip out to run along her bottom lip as if already tasting what remained just out of sight. Sliding a hand into his pants, Gordon wrapped his fist around the base of his cock, slowly stroking its length and shifting his hips ever so slightly so the fabric fell at the same time his cock lifted.


The sound of her appreciation as his palm slid over the head—no—theglans penisof his cock to find it slick with arousal was echoed by his own at the vision of Beverly’s arousal as that drop found its way to rest in the center of the puckered rosette of her asshole.

It took less than two seconds for Gordon to climb on the bed, and with one strong pull of her ankles, drag her down until she lay flat beneath him. Covering her body with his, he took her mouth with a force that gave her no opportunity to deny entry to his tongue as it sought hers. The two entwined to lick and taste in a dance that had been imprinted on their souls years earlier, not a single step forgotten. His cock added a sheen to her belly as he ground against her, her legs lifting to wrap around his hips, her body contorting to attempt to find the cock her pussy had been weeping for.

Every whimper, whine, and mewl became the notes of the symphony they were creating. With the first high-pitched keen, he lifted his mouth from hers to see eyes filled with unadulterated desperation. God, she was even more beautiful than she’d been when they’d first begun to learn every inch of the other’s body.

Sliding his arms around her, he rolled, loving her shocked little squeal as he came to rest on his back.

A strand of brunette hair brushed his face as she stared down at him. Tucking it behind her ear, she said, “Hey, there.”

“Hey, pretty lady.” He saw her eyes widen in surprise when he pulled her up until she was straddling his chest. Dropping his hands to cup an ass cheek in each palm, he smirked. “Is sixty-nine still your favorite number?” Not waiting for her response, he lifted her easily, turning her so she was facing his feet. No further instructions were needed; none were given.

She hummed with pleasure around his shaft as he broadened his tongue to capture the drop that had mesmerized him since its moment of arrival as well as those that had followed. The journey from anus to clit was made in one long, slow lick that had her quivering in his hold. She tasted as sweet as honey, exactly as he remembered.

Mutual moans of lust were uttered against intimate flesh as tongues lapped and lips sucked. Her clit was a swollen little pearl between his lips where he held it captive while thrashing it with his tongue. He groaned as she began to take tiny nips of his shaft, reciprocating by exchanging lips for teeth to torture all those sensitive nerves that were firing in the tiny bundle of flesh. Her attempt to guide his movements by pressing her vulva against his face were ignored. That little treasure box was to be plundered only after she remembered all the words of the question she’d answered.

He felt her hand slip from the root of his cock to cup his balls, gently kneading at first and then giving the most subtle of squeezes. Releasing her clit, his hand moved to pull her ass forward until his target winked above him. All that slipping and sliding had lubricated the cleft of her ass quite nicely, making it a simple task to thrust his tongue between those sweet little cheeks to run along the puckered ring of her rosebud.

The strangled gargle of pure pleasure she gave was soon followed by a moan as he worked the tip of his tongue into the dark recess. His thumb and forefinger took the place of his teeth as they closed around her clit and did some squeezing of their own. Not yet satisfied, he drove his tongue deeper and twisted and pulled on her clit, giving her the bite of pain she always seemed to need to allow pleasure to sweep unabated through her.


The plea given was not enough to grant her what she wanted much more desperately than she wanted to tease him. All it accomplished was his pinch to tighten and his tongue to push deeper.

“Please! Oh, god, please, Sir!”

Almost there, my love, but not quite yet.

Gordon could feel her muscles tightening around his tongue and her thighs around his head. She was on the very precipice. The question was would she remember there would be a price to pay if she leapt without first completing her task. Releasing her clit for a second of relief only to capture it and pinch would provide the answer.

“Please, Master, please may I come?”

A test his submissive passed with flying colors. Pulling his tongue free, he said, “Come for me, Bev. Grind that sweet cunt on my face and come all over it.”

His tongue continued to lap, his fingers to pinch and tug as she planted her hands on his thighs, arched her back, threw her head toward the ceiling and screamed as she obeyed. Gordon used his hands to grip her hips to hold her in place, not ceasing his play until she tensed again and then leaped into bliss to ride the crest of a second orgasm.

Gordon’s smile was seen only by her pussy as he licked like an extremely contented kitten until she attempted to lift herselfaway from his mouth. Not about to let her escape, he growled, “Stay.”


“I’m not done?—”

“I know, but, um… I think you might want to reconsider.”

This was something new. The submissive he remembered would be barely capable of uttering more than a moan or mew as she basked in the release of endorphins. She hadn’t once suggested he rethink his plans. Readjusting his hold to poke his head out between her legs, he looked up to see what had her acting so oddly. When he met her eyes, she didn’t explain, simply tilted her head.