Looking beyond her, he saw nothing of concern but did feel her hand dropping on top of his head to turn it slightly. He opened his mouth to demand to know what the hell was going on when his gaze was met by not one pair of eyes, but two. One of cornflower blue, the other of emerald green.
Gordon wasn’t often at a complete loss of words, but the sight of his Littles standing at the side of the bed did the trick. It took him at least twenty seconds before his brain connected with his vocal chords.
“You’re out of bed.”
Okay, if that wasn’t the cleverest thing he could say, neither was the second. “Where are your clothes?”
“We took them off.” Blake’s answer was accompanied by a glance down as if to make sure he’d spoken the truth.
“I can see that, but…” The sound of Beverly’s laughter as well as the jiggle of her ass that laughter caused had Gordon pausing. Did it really matter where they were? His were in a pile on the floor next to his Littles and as for their Mommy’s? Well, they’d left a trail from the kitchen table to the bedroom door the Littles had come through. Latching on to that fact, a bit of the bloodsupply that had been keeping his cock rock hard returned to Gordon’s brain.
“Okay, forget the clothes?—”
“We did, Daddy,” Lori offered.
“I think what your Daddy is asking, is why you two aren’t in your beds where we put you not even an hour ago?”
Now why didn’t I come up with that?
Too late now, but he was secure enough in his manhood to let Bev take one for the team.
“I heard a scream,” Blake said. “At first I-I thought it was the nightmare but it wasn’t. Lori heard it too and said it sounded like it came from you, Mommy. So, we um, decided to check to make sure you were all right.”
“And you had to strip buck naked to do that?” Gordon inquired politely.
The two Littles looked at each other and when Lori poked her brother in the side, he scowled but accepted the duty of his position.
“No, Sir. At first I just got out of bed to come check, but then I saw… um, Mommy’s clothes on the floor and… um… then Lori kept calling out and I was afraid she was going to climb out of her crib, so I sort of helped her.”
“And that’s when your clothes just ‘sort of’ magically fell off?”
Beverly gave a little snort of laughter and in return he gave her thigh a little smack which just had her responding, “Hey!” go up an octave on the scale.
Hey, yourself. How about giving a Daddy a break? Going from a hundred miles an hour toward what had promised to be a glorious explosion to a dead halt in seconds takes a bit out of a man.
“Just show him.”
Lori’s voice drew Gordon’s eyes back to the Littles to find them both still standing there and, yep, both still naked as little jaybirds.
“Show me what?”
Blake looked a bit undecided but then pulled his hand from behind his back to show him the yellow pad where Beverly had written her answer. He was about to state he didn’t see the connection between the two words, “Yes, please,” and the Littles sudden appearance in their bedroom when Lori’s hand came from behind her back to hold up the pad he’d been doodling on while teasing his submissive.
On the page was a sketch he’d drawn of the very bed he was now lying on. In the drawing, Beverly was in just about the same position she was currently with a few minor differences.
Instead of sitting up, she was bent forward at an angle and instead of it being his cock she was tonguing, her lips were wrapped around Blake’s cock, and Lori’s long blonde curls were spread out across Gordon’s belly and thighs as she worshiped his dick. If that wasn’t clear enough, beneath the sketch, he’d doodled, “Foursome Anyone?”.
Looking from one pad to the other, he decided nothing else mattered until the prudent one in this little foursome spoke up and asked, “What about the forms, dearest Daddy?”
He was about to say screw the fucking forms, when both Littles flipped their pads to the very last page and he read, “I consent!” Their signatures were scrawled beneath the two words.
He was pretty sure the consents wouldn’t stand up in any court of law, but this wasn’t a court and he wasn’t presently practicing law. But he was their Daddy and that was good enough for him.
“Well, what are you waiting for? Do I have to draw you another picture?”
“No, Daddy!” the two chorused as tablets were tossed aside and they climbed into bed. Well, at least they tried. When Lori whined she was too short, Blake slid back down and helped her up. Lori, in turn, offered him her hand once she was seated, and he grinned and took it.
As the Littles and their Mommy positioned themselves in readiness to bring the characters in his doodle to life, Gordon couldn’t help but remember what he’d thought earlier: It should have been awkward, but for some inexplicable reason it wasn’t. He could ponder the reasons for the rest of his life, but it didn’t really matter. The moment the four had come together, it was as if they recognized they were now whole.