Shoulders strong enough to carry an adult and yet soft enough to offer a Little’s head comfort shrugged. “I suppose it could, but while I was willing to give you an exemption, Ms. MacIntosh, you’re the one who insisted on being proper.”
This time the growl was hers and it was definitely not sexy. “Fine, but I can’t start filling out answers without the questions. Where’s the list?”
“I think they start on page ten or so.”
Beverly did her best not to snarl at his devil-may-care attitude, but she felt the chances of “sexy” happening were diminishing rapidly. I just hope you know that by the time we flip all these pages back to find a question, then flip them again to answer, our Littles are most likely going to be standing right there asking for an after-nap snack! Seriously, Gordon, I really don’t think this is necessary.”
Steel-gray eyes that were growing a darker gray by the minute had her catching her breath, clenching her thighs even tighter and her pulse rate quickening. Guess he might not find this entire process as blasé as she’d thought.
Adding the honorific was better late than never, right?
“For a moment there I thought you’d forgotten who is the Dom and who is the submissive.”
“No, Sir, I haven’t. I just thought… um, never mind. I might be a Domme but you’re the Dom Dom?—”
“Excuse me? Did you just call me a dumb-dumb?”
“What? No! Of course not! I’d never”—eyes widened as her words played back—“Oh, no, I meant your Dom dominates my Domme… oh, for fuck’s sake!” Beverly threw her head back andtook a deep breath before exhaling and looking at him. “Gordon Sheffield you are the Dominant, not only over me, but our Littles. You, Sir, are the one in control in this family. ”
“You’re sure?”
“Positive, Sir.” She thought she most likely looked like a bobblehead doll as she nodded vigorously.
“Good. In that case, shall we begin?”
“Absolutely, Sir.” The pages of her tablet were already being flipped up and back as she looked for the beginning of the questions. When she didn’t see any, she figured she’d gone too quickly and started over, being more careful in making sure she looked at every page. Frustrated, when she still hadn’t found the first one, she looked up.
“Excuse me, Sir, but are you sure you gave me the right tablet?”
“Yep,” Gordon said as he wrote something down on his tablet. “Why, is there a problem?”
Biting back a smart-ass retort, she managed to reword it, “I can’t seem to find any questions, Sir.”
How was it possible that all it took to have her belly fluttering and her pussy weeping was for his head to slowly rise only enough so his eyes met hers?
“Page ten.”
Okay, so much for how incredibly sexy the man’s eyes were. The reminder of a page number moved that needle from ten to zero. She’d already looked on page ten and page twenty and even the last damn page. But, fine, she was a professional woman. She handled patients who were a bit snippy all the time, right. She could most certainly handle this damn tablet.
“One,” she said, lifting and folding the top page back. “Two.” The second page turned. “Three, four, five, six.” Each page was counted aloud and slowly turned back to lay neatly on the previous. “Seven, eight, nine, te… oh.” She looked up to find himsitting back in his chair, arms crossed over his chest. Dropping her eyes to the pad, she clicked her pen, made sure she had read the question correctly, and then flipped back to the beginning.
On the first line, she put pen to paper and wrote her answer. Laying the pen on the table, she picked up the pad and turned it to face him so he could see her answer written in her very best penmanship.
Yes, please.
“I’m sorry, I’m not sure our questions are the same. Could you read the question back to me?”
Pages flipped far more quickly this time until she got to the tenth, where written in neat block letters on the top line was the question. Clearing her throat, she read it aloud:
Would you like to strip naked and join me on the bed where we will indulge in quite kinky sexy play until you are begging to be allowed to come?
Feeling quite giddy, after she’d read him the last word of the question, she flipped the pad back and tapped her nail against her answer.
“As you can see, Sir, my answer is not only in the affirmative, I’ve already started begging.”
They both stood at the same time and it only took two steps for her to join him.