Page 110 of Romeo

“Smash and dash? Hump and dump? Pounce and bounce? Dip and duck? Fuck it and chuck it?”

“Jesus fuck,” he muttered. “Know what the fuck hit and run means. Just surprised to hear you use it.”

“Do you think I’ve never been a victim of a hit and run?”

His head jerked. “You fuckin’ ran quicker than shit after that night in the RV.”

“I didn’t know you wanted me to linger.”

At the time, he didn’t because he preferred to stay breathing. Something her stepdaddy could easily change if Shade caught the two of them together.Andfound out Romeo took Maddie’s virginity.

The truth was, he’d most likely remain breathing while the Fury member skinned him alive first. He’d stop eventually but only after fucking suffering for longer than he’dlike.

So, fuck no, he didn’t want Maddie to linger in his bed that night since he didn’t have a fucking death wish. He had been only doing her a solid, anyway, by doing what she asked for. Nothing more.

He didn’t take advantage of her; he’d only been accommodating. But he doubted Shade would believe that.

“Whatever,” he muttered and hoofed it out to the only bathroom in her small apartment, tossed the used wrap into the garbage after tying it shut, took a piss, cleaned off any remaining pussy juices, checked his teeth for any pubes stuck between them and rinsed out his mouth with the mouthwash on the counter.

Once he jerked the door open again, he heard her putting around the kitchen. He shook his head with annoyance, headed back into her bedroom to get dressed and pull on his cut, then he headed toward the exit.

Since she was done with him, he might as well take that as a sign. He had been good for only one thing.

He waited for her to call out to him to at least say goodbye or thanks or something, but he heard nothing but dishes clanking. When he peered into the kitchen on his way to the door, her back was to him at the sink.

He paused, opened his mouth, then shook his head, and decided it was best to keep moving and not say shit.

Good thing he wasn’t some sensitive pussy, because he might be feeling some kind of way with her blowing him off like that.

In less than a minute, he was down at this sled, straddling it. He stared up at her apartment while running everything that happened through his mind.

He considered his options, even though he only told himself earlier that this was the last time.

He sucked on his teeth at his own lies.

Then it hit him…

Madison didn’t seem the type to be clingy, so what would it hurt to make her a regular?

That didn’t mean he couldn’t fuck anyone else. Or order a sweet butt to drop to her knees so he could face fuck her and shoot his load down her throat.

No, he could add Maddie to his regular rotation. The best part about that would be, unlike a sweet butt, he wouldn’t have to share her with any of his brothers. He’d squash any interest they had in her with a quickness.

But that didn’t address the problem of the woman being considered BFMC property. More concerning, belonging to the most dangerous Fury member.

Shade would not like the fact that Romeo was only using Maddie to get his rocks off.

In truth, he couldn’t imagine Trip would be okay with that, either. The man was overprotective of everyone tied to his club. Just as a good president should be. Though, he was more intense than most.

Romeo sure as fuck didn’t rule his MC with an iron fist. That was too much damn work. If one of his brothers needed an attitude adjustment, that was why he had a sergeant at arms to do the dirty work.

With one last glance up at her apartment window, he grinned. He needed to come up with a plan where she should only fuck him, while he could do any woman he wanted.

Damn, he liked that plan even though she probably wouldn’t. It would just take some careful convincing.

Wearing a grin, the roar of his sled filled the night as he sped away.

Chapter Twenty-Seven