With a groan, he rolled off and onto his back, staring up at the ceiling, and wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand. With the one not holding the fullwrap, of course, because having a latex tube full of cum slap him in the face was not on the agenda.
With a satisfied moan, Maddie stretched her arms over her head and pointed her toes before twisting her head to stare at him. He didn’t have to look at her to know she was doing it, the heat of her stare burned into the side of his bald head.
“Bathroom’s in the hallway. Throw that in the trash and don’t flush it. I don’t need a bill from the landlord for a clogged toilet.”
What the fuck?That was what she had to say? Nothing about his skills or how intense her orgasm was or how he was the best fuck she ever had?
Just... don’t clog her damn toilet?
Maybe she needed to hear some appreciation on his end first. “Perfect night. Good food. Good woman.”
She tipped her ear forward. “What was that?”
“Heard me.”
She smiled but didn’t return the same recognition. Or,hell, any.
For fuck’s sake.
“All right…” She slipped from the bed and headed to her pile of clothes.
“Watcha doin’?”
She began to get dressed. Unfortunately, covering up the body he preferred naked. “I need to clean up the kitchen.”
“Now?” he barked.
She glanced at him as she finished pulling up her shorts. “No, a week from now. When the chili has mold growing on it and the dishes need to be sandblasted.”
His eyebrows pinned together. “When’d you get such a smart mouth?”
“When was it dumb?”
He shook his head and grumbled, “The jokes.” Was she trying to ruin a good night?
“I figured you’d have a sense of humor.”
“Got a sense of humor.”
“You could’ve fooled me.”
“Maybe you just ain’t funny.”
She shrugged. “Now, this was great, but I have stuff to do.”
“You’re kickin’ me out?”
“I thought we were done. What am I missing?”
I thought we were done.He pulled in a breath and stared at the now clothed woman he just fucked. “Didn’t know you were in a fuckin’ rush to get it over with.”
Her eyebrows hiked up her forehead. “Huh. You don’t like it when the shoe’s on the other foot?”
“What you talkin’ about?”
“Aren’t you the king of hit and run?”
His brow furrowed. “Hit and run?”