I need this job.I need this job. I need this job.
She swore that was now her daily mantra.
Take it one day at a time, girl. It’ll be worth it in the end.
At least that was what she kept telling herself. She could kick herself later if it turned out to be untrue and all she did was waste the last year and a half at Smith’s while taking the abuse.
Her tongue was particularly bloody today from biting it one too many times. She only stopped once Roger walked out the door and left her alone to close up.
She loved seeing his back as he walked away. It was his best side. Both for her and the rest of his employees.
Tonight, she was the last one to leave because Roger cornered her after she finished up with her last patient. As soon as she saw him striding in her direction, dread overcame her. She knew instantly she would be stuck doing some bullshit job. One she couldn’t refuse.
Roger had her trapped in his tiny iron fist andhe knew it. The day that changed, she would tell him what a piece of shit he was. Most likely through an anonymous email since she couldn’t say it directly to his face without him putting a black mark on her career.
Tonight’s bullshit reason for her to stay late was to wipe down the strength equipment out on the floor. Forget the fact that the therapists sanitized each piece of equipment after a patient used it. Apparently, Roger’s excuse was that he didn’t “trust anyone to do it properly.” Funny how he trusted her to do it right?
He’d been slightly more of a dick than normal—Was that even possible?—after Romeo confronted him. Proof Roger didn’t like anyone challenging his ass. So now she was being punished more than normal on a regular basis.
She would’ve blown off cleaning the equipment and headed home if cameras weren’t all over the place. Watching. Recording. Like big brother.
Maddie didn’t doubt that Roger also kept an eye on the live feeds on his cell phone. The last thing she needed was to be written up again or docked any pay for “insubordination.”
Her only choice was to suck it up and get it done before leaving for the evening. Only, in the end, it took her an hour and a half past her quitting time. Time she’d never get back or be compensated for.
Because her boss was a user and a loser.
The other night she had a dream that he tripped in front of her and, instead of helping him up, she ended up kicking him while he was down. She wasn’t sure if she should admit that she woke up with a smile. Maybe she’d keep that to herself. But remembering that brought another smile to her face.
Until she stepped outside.
Before she could turn and lock the door, she saw that her vehicle wasn’t the only one parked in what should be an empty lot. Right next to her Toyota sat a Harley. And on that Harley sat a man. And on that man was a leather cut proclaiming he was the president of the Dark Knights MC.
She sighed.
Maddie hadn’t heard from him in about two weeks. Not that she reached out to him, either. The reason she hadn’t texted or called him was…
She liked having sex with him way too much.
Waytoo much.
She had picked up her cell phone several times in the last couple of weeks to arrange a “meet,” but seconds later she set that same phone down. She didn’t want to start relying on him. Not for protection. Not even for sex.
She also didn’t want him to think she needed him. For anything. That could be dangerous when it came to overly protective, possessive bikers.
With a shake of her head, she turned and took her time locking the front door to Smith’s. After releasing another loud, long sigh, she headed over to the man waiting for her.
A black silky do-rag covered his dark, bald noggin and dark sunglasses hid his just as dark eyes, even though the sun had begun to set.
Those glasses followed every step she took across the parking lot. Of course he had parked right next to her driver’s door. Was he afraid she’d try to avoid him?
If she had to admit it—though she’d never say it out loud—the man looked damn good straddling his badass sled. Especially with his skilled hands planted on those thick thighs.
She stopped next to him. “At least you waited until Roger left.” The man might actually have some common sense.