Page 14 of Boss with Benefits

“Did you just feel it now, in the hallway?” I asked, opening my door wider.

“No. I lied before. I felt something last night. And this morning. And I can’t stop thinking about it.”

I awkwardly tapped my hand on her back. “It’s okay. We’re gonna figure this out.”

I looked to the door, willing Lexi to walk through it. As much as I valued the mental health of my employees, I wasn’t the one who could give help to them. I could barely help myself.



I’d have laughed at Derrick squirming on the pile of papers, waiting for Lexi, but I was too freaked out.

A few years ago, my mom had secured my biological mother’s family medical history, and last year I did a genetic panel. Both showed I was at high risk for breast cancer. It was listed as the cause of my maternal grandmother’s death.

So Mom, being Doctor Mom, drilled it into my head to always check my breasts for lumps. The survival rate goes way up if it is caught early.

When I’d done my nightly check in the shower, I’d nearly dropped to my soapy knees. I’d felt a bump. It was no bigger than the end of a pencil eraser, but a lump was a lump.

I massaged it for an hour, thinking maybe it was just a knot but then realized breasts were made up of fat, not muscle.


I iced it. I massaged more. My rational mind was gone. I’d almost called my mom, but she’d make me come home for a bazillion tests. It was nothing. I was sure it was nothing. But like it was a magnet, I couldn’t help touching that spot.

“What’s up?” Lexi said, sticking her head around the doorframe.

“Derrick won’t feel my boobs, so I need you to.”

“Oh my God.” Derrick threw his hands in the air.

“Um, okay,” Lexi said, clapping her hands together and rubbing them back and forth. “I’m guessing there’s a medical reason.

I slipped my top off, and Derrick jetted out of the room, cursing at me. I had no idea why I loved to make him wriggle, but I did, and I was gonna keep doing it because it made me happy.

And I needed happy right then.

I turned to Lexi, wearing only my bralette on top.

“I felt something, and I just need confirmation that it’s not normal. I know it’s not but I’m in a little bit of denial. So...”

I stuck my chest out, presenting my breasts to her. “It’s the left one.”

“Lift your arm,” she said. “Where is it?”

“Bottom right.” I pointed to the spot.

She tap-massaged the underside of my breast, feeling for the spot. When she found it, she spent a little time there and then stepped back.

“It’s small. It may be a cyst, but get it checked out ASAP. Do you have a doctor?”

“Yeah,” I said.

“Do you need me to come with you?” she asked as I pulled my shirt back on.

“Nah. I’ll ask Eva to come.”

“Okay. Try not to worry. I know, I know. Worst advice ever. But do your best to relax.”