Page 13 of Boss with Benefits

“Or maybe you like that. Hey, I won’t yuck your yum.” She put her hands up. “Sorry. Sorry. No sex talk.”

I clenched my jaw. I didn’t know if I wanted to laugh or strangle her. “Please stop.”

“Okay. Okay.” She walked ahead, and I followed with lumbering strides.

Rachel pushed open the door to my office, and I choked on a shocked laugh. There were papers and files and trash bags on every surface of my office.

“What the hell, Rach? This is worse than before I hired you.”

She’d been in early organizing this morning, and I had gone straight to the studio, leaving her to the task.

“Chill out. This is still phase one. I have to get everything out of the drawers and filing cabinets and bookcases and pile it all in the middle of the room, and then we organize.”

“Where are the files for the upcoming podcast?” I glanced around and saw a sliver of red under a small trash can set on my desk.

Somehow, Rachel gracefully maneuvered over the mess and picked up the thick file and handed it to me.

“You’ll have to work with the minions out there until I’ve organized this.” She butted her chin toward the long worktables in the main part of the office.

I preferred working alongside my colleagues and often worked in the main office except when I was looking through confidential police files or sensitive material for an upcoming episode. Ironically, the next episode we were recording was a case about a young woman who was stalked and eventually killed by her ex-boyfriend.

I tucked the file further into my messenger bag.

“Have you talked to Detective Lee?” Rachel asked, referring to the detective in charge of her case.

“I grabbed a coffee with him yesterday,” I said. “Unfortunately, he hasn’t had time to dive into your case. He’s mainly doing this as a favor to me, and since nothing illegal has been done, it’s not his top priority.”

“I’ve been followed at least three times. That seems pressing to me.” Rachel crossed her arms.

“We don’t know for sure someone is following you,” I said.

“You said you believe women,” Rachel challenged.

“It’s not that I don’t believe you, but there’s no solid evidence, and Lee has cases of actual murder victims he’s working on.” Rachel’s eyes widened into saucers. I immediately realized I’d said the wrong thing. I was so used to homicide and assault cases that I forgot it wasn’t everyone’s day job. I rested a hand tentatively on Rachel’s arm. “That’s not going to be you.”

Rachel nodded and roughly wiped the wetness from her eyes, which surprised me. She didn’t seem like someone who cried easily.

“Are you upset about the creep or something else?” I asked, noting the undercurrent of frustration or fear that had circled her since I saw her in the hallway.

“It’s my boobs.” Tears plopped out of her eyes, and she wiped at them roughly. I maneuvered Rachel onto a stack of papers, and I sat on a stack across from her, kicking my door shut.

“Did you feel something?” I asked, my voice low, careful not to touch her.

“I don’t know.” She sniffled and wiped her nose with the back of her sweatshirt sleeve.

“Will you check?” She looked up at me with those pretty, almond-shaped eyes that kissed in the corners.

“Your...breasts?” I asked to clarify.

Her chin trembled. “Yes.”

“Uh, no,” I said and opened my door a crack, suddenly wary of us alone in my office. “I don’t feel comfortable with that.”

Rachel shook her head like she was clearing it. “I get it. I shouldn’t have asked. That was so wrong. I’m just scared.” Her shoulders slumped. I’d never seen her like this, scared and defeated.

“Hold on.” I leaned over my desk and slid the cordless phone off the receiver and dialed a number. When Lexi answered, I told her to come to my office. “Lexi is on her way. If you’re okay speaking to her, I think she’s much more suited to handling this situation.”

Rachel nodded, looking miserable.