Page 90 of Wandering Closer

Tears sting as I take in the visual representation of his love. Words feel heavy in my throat, unable to come out in a way that I can express how much this means to me.

“I know,” he says, kissing my forehead, as he slips the box back in his pocket and takes my hand to keep walking. “I love you, too.”

“I love you,” I murmur, my voice thick with emotion.

“Love you all, too,” Michele calls from behind us. “Except for Vanessa, I don’t like her.” Her eyes trail over her shoulder where River is arguing with someone on the phone.

“What’s going on?” Thoren asks.

“He posted that picture of us at dinner on his social media. She doesn’t like that he was sitting by Kinsley,” Jake snickers.

I didn’t get the best feelings about her when we met, but it’s not my relationship, so I keep my mouth shut. My eyes travel back down to my wrist, the stunning bracelet glowing in the lights of the shops we pass. I feel bad for River, but nothing can ruin this night. Not even the looming trial in the morning.

Kinsley leans over, touching the bracelet on my wrist. “This is beautiful.”

“Thank you.” I smile as I look over my shoulder to find Thoren’s eyes already on me.

The first trial was not as scary as I thought it would be. Kinsley has been ensuring me for months that she will take care of me, but a part of me was still worried. My manager and the HR representative that let me go were called in and both of them defended me. They claimed I had a stellar performance, never did anything wrong, and were blindsided by my termination. That, coupled with the emails and texts that were discovered where Tyler blatantly asked for me to be fired because ‘my wife doesn’t want me working with my whore’, put the nails in their coffin.

Kinsley brought in a woman during the trial that had been terminated without warning two years prior. She recounted how she had been with the COO of the company, despite the man being married and her direct supervisor. Tyler had caught her and the man together, and she was let go the next day. The COO was questioned and admitted to letting me go, due to Tyler’s insistence and blackmail.

The case only took a few hours, and the judge called us all back in to deliver the decision. Tyler wasn’t here for this case, which made it a little easier, but I will have to face him tomorrow. The jury walked back in, and Kinsley nudged for me to stand with her as they took their seats. She grabbed my hand in hers, giving it a light squeeze as the judge read out the decision. The ringing in my ears and loud beats of my heartprevented me from hearing much outside of Michele’s “damn right” behind me.

I turn to a smiling Kinsley as she pulls me in for a hug. “You did it. They awarded you two million!”

I hug her back, tears of validation lining my eyes. It’s not about the money, it’s about the justice, and the stuck up men who think they can play women like puppets. I feel Thoren’s hand at my back as I turn to his embrace over the half wall behind me.

“I’m so proud of you, baby. One more trial and you are free.”

“I’m paying you back now.”

His laugh is loud and so full of ease. One hurdle done, one more to go.

The steps of the courthouse seem more daunting today, but I climb them anyway. Thoren’s hand is at my back, and Michele is at my side, the two hulking figures of Jake and River taking up the rear. They weren’t kidding about the outfits either, all of us dressed in head to toe black. I know we look intimidating, and as we enter the courtroom, all eyes turn to us.

Tyler’s wife sits in the front row, directly behind him, a deadly scowl on her face. Tyler looks between all of us, and when his eyes land on Jake, he cowers into his seat. I never asked what he said to him the day Thoren beat him, but now I kind of want to know.

“Did we ever decide on his nickname?” River asks, not too quietly, as they take their seats behind Kinsley and I.

“Toxic trash Tyler,” Jake responds.

“I’ve just been referring to him as a little bitch,” a voice I know well calls from behind me. I spin to see Andrea sitting down next to Michele.

I jump from my seat and lean over the partition to give her a hug. “I didn’t think you could make it!” Per her request, I have been keeping her informed of everything. She has two authors launching books this week and is swamped with marketing and signings with them.

“I can’t stay more than an hour, but I wanted you to know I am here. You’ve got this. Kick his ass. Again.”

Kinsley tries to cover her snort as we rise for the judge to enter. This trial is a little different from yesterday, and I find myself paying more attention. Tyler and I are both called to the stand, but most of the talking comes from Kinsley. Tyler’s lawyers can only say so much in defense when he violated a restraining order and assaulted me.

Kinsley presses for five years minimum for jail time on felony charges, as well as half a million in damages. Throughout the trial, I feel eyes on me, and am surprised to find they belong to Tyler’s wife, Angela. If looks could kill, I would be dead. I still don’t understand her hate and anger towards me, but I let it go.

At close to one, the jury is dismissed to deliberate, and we are free to leave. Andrea slipped out and texted me to keep her informed and that she loves me. That she made it at all means so much to me. Kinsley told us not to go far because she doesn’t see this taking long, so we all find a deli down the street for lunch. It’s a quiet meal, all of us in our heads, anxiously awaiting the results.

I lean over to Jake, whispering so the others don’t hear, “What did you say to Tyler?”

He smirks, a twinkle of mirth in his eyes. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I chuckle, taking another bite of mysandwich. I’ll let him keep his secret for now, only because it was glorious to see the fear of god on Tyler’s face earlier.

“Thank you,” I mutter, and he nods, then goes back to his meal.